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ICL Surgery in Mumbai

Medically Reviewed by
Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
ICL Eye Surgery in Mumbai

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ICL Eye Surgery in Mumbai

Book Appointment for ICL Eye Surgery

Did you know over 1 million ICLs (implantable collamer lenses) have been successfully implanted globally? This proves how popular, reliable and safe this method is. ICL surgery in Mumbai, unlike LASIK or PRK, involves inserting a thin, collamer lens inside the eye to improve visual acuity. 

In this article, we will explore the benefits of ICL eye surgery in Mumbai and the overall cost you may incur. Our goal is to support you in making informed decisions. Therefore, we will cover everything from procedure specifics to financial aid.

Benefits of ICL Surgery in Mumbai

If you plan to get ICL surgery in the city, you should know how strategically advantageous the location is. The latest medical technology and highly qualified professionals are available for consultation. As a result, patients receive effective and efficient care that meets their unique needs.

  1. You get access to renowned specialists and advanced facilities

  2. With a diverse range of eye centres, you have numerous alternatives. 

  3. Due to competitive prices, people can compare costs, clinics, and surgeon qualifications. It enhances accessibility to healthcare.

  4. Facilities in Mumbai adhere to stringent safety protocols and guarantee high standards of care.

  5. Reputable eye care centres prioritise comprehensive aftercare in the city. This ensures regular follow-ups and access to specialists for concerns or complications.

Before making up your mind about the EVO Implantable Collamer, it is important to speak with a doctor. Ophthalmologists perform ICL eye surgery in Mumbai, and they can devise the best plan for you. Therefore, mentioned below are the top specialists you can refer to: 

  1. Dr Jatin Shyam Vazirani is a renowned eye surgeon with 17 years of experience. Currently, he is associated with Gurukripa Eye Care. As an ophthalmologist, he has performed over 5,000 SICS involving several grades of cataracts.  

  2. Dr Jatin Ashar specialises in cornea transplants, squint, LASIK, and ICL surgeries. At present, he practises with Mumbai Eye Care Hospital. He has 19 years of expertise in the field. 

  3. Dr Nitin Tiwari is a seasoned ophthalmology expert. DSEK, AMG grafting and several other advanced lamellar operations are his areas of interest. Currently, with over 12 years of clinical practice, he is empanelled at Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute. 

  4. Dr Yusuf Virani is a well-known eye surgeon associated with Vision Centre Eye Hospital. He has 48 years of extensive experience in ophthalmology. His specialisations include cataract surgery, ICL surgery, keratoplasty and trabeculoplasty. 

  5. Dr Parveen Grover practices at Vision Centre Eye Hospital. She has 20 years of proficiency in the field of ophthalmology. Her forte includes corneal surgery, canaloplasty and vision correction surgeries. 

  6. Dr Sachin Shah is an eye surgeon with Vin-R Eye Care Centre. He has 28 years of impressive experience. Dr Shah is adept at fundus fluorescein angiography, anterior segment and pterygium surgery. 

  7. Dr Saumil Sheth has over 24 years of clinical expertise. He is currently associated with Ojas Eye Hospital. His specialisations include squint surgery, LASIK surgery and cataract surgeries. Dr Sheth has performed over 10,000 laser treatments as an acclaimed eye specialist. 

  8. Dr Vandana Jain is proficient in cornea, LASIK and vision correction surgeries. She has 23 years of experience in ophthalmology. At present, she is affiliated with Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute. 

  9. Dr Vishal Maniar has over 19 years of ophthalmology expertise. He is practising in  Dhiren Eye Care. As an eye specialist, he handles several eye conditions like myopia, cataracts and glaucoma. 

Note: The above is a curated list for you by the HexaHealth team. For a more extensive and personalised list, please contact HexaHealth.

We provide hassle-free ICL surgery in the city with the help of our trusted healthcare partners. HexaHealth offers modern, cost-effective surgical options in collaboration with leading NABH-accredited centres in the city. Mentioned below is a list of hospitals and clinics delivering vision correction services at affordable prices:

  1. Gurukripa Eye Care is situated in Borivali West. This clinic is among the best facilities in Mumbai. They are a fully equipped eye care centre that provides all ophthalmic procedures. 

  2. Drishti Netralaya has a team of qualified ophthalmologists and nurses. Their goal is to provide top-quality surgical interventions for several eye conditions. 

  3. Mumbai Eye Care is a multispecialty hospital. They deliver the newest medical technologies for optical care. Their ophthalmologists perform cataract, LASIK, and corneal surgeries, along with numerous other vision correction approaches.  

  4. Apex Multispeciality Hospital is a leading eye care institution that uses the latest techniques for ophthalmic problems. These services cater to procedures like cataracts and LASIK surgeries.

  5. Envision Eye Hospital is committed to delivering high-quality eye care, focusing on modern treatment modalities. Their team of experienced professionals perform interventions like cataracts, glaucoma, and corneal surgery.

  6. Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute specialises in a variety of ophthalmic surgeries. It provides innovative solutions for optimal visual outcomes.

  7. Vision Centre Eye Hospital is committed to offering top-tier optical care. Their facilities range from basic eye examinations to advanced surgical interventions, ensuring effective solutions for all patients.

  8. Vin-R Eye Care Centre combines expertise with cutting-edge technology. Their vision correction services are top-notch. They provide routine examinations and intricate surgical procedures for ICL and cataracts. 

  9. Dhiren Eye Care is a trusted centre for optimum eye health. They offer modern solutions and a skilled team for various ophthalmic conditions, ensuring perfect vision for all patients.

Note: Please contact HexaHealth for details on potential appointments and insurance coverage expenses. From expenditure breakup to financial benefits, we will discuss everything with you.

The ICL eye surgery in Mumbai can be expensive. However, insurance and medical claims can be used to manage it. Please be aware that these are total costs, which could also include any additional money spent on medical care, tests, type of lens and procedure. 

The total amount you can expect for your eye surgery is shown below.  

ICL Surgery

Estimated Cost Range

Minimum Cost 

₹  85,000

Average Expense

₹ 1,20,000

Maximum Price

₹ 1,60,000

Other than the overall cost, the choice of implantable collamer lens can influence the amount. This is because different brands and lenses may have varying price ranges.

Lens Type

Cost (per eye)

Total cost (both eyes)

ICL with Non-toric Lens

₹ 80,000  to ₹ 90,000

₹ 1,30,000

ICL with Toric Lens

₹ 95,000 to  ₹ 1,10,000

₹ 1,60,000

Additionally, if you use an Indian or foreign lens, that too will influence the entire price you pay. 



Indian Brand Lens Cost 

₹ 40,000 to ₹ 45,000

Foreign Brand Lens Cost

₹ 55,000 to ₹ 60,000

Note: Depending on the hospital and the type of lens and brand, the prices might change. For a customised quote, please speak with a HexaHealth specialist. 

Financing Options

The ICL eye surgery cost in Mumbai is usually not covered under medical insurance. It's a cosmetic procedure that's optional. Thus, unless the surgery is absolutely required for medical reasons, the cost is not covered by funding.  

  1. Health Insurance: Understanding the conditions under which insurance may pay for eye surgery costs is essential. The following scenarios may be covered by insurance coverage:

    1. If refractive power is 7.5 D or higher

    2. If complications occur after eye surgery 

    3. Due to severe myopia, you cannot wear glasses

    4. You developed refractive errors after an accident or injury

HexaHealth assists regardless of your financial limitations.

  1. Cashless Claims: These offer a practical means of obtaining healthcare without having to pay for it upfront. Direct payment of the bills takes place at the hospital. This removes the hassle of making sizable upfront payments and then waiting for reimbursement.

  1. Reimbursement Claims: This method necessitates paying for the procedure in full before filing a claim. Any hospital of your choosing can be used in the interim. Until the claims are processed, you will be responsible for the costs.

  1. Medical Loans: These may be required because ICL surgery is usually not covered by insurance. You can get support for the EVO implantable collamer with HexaHealth. We offer the following advantages:

  1. No collateral to apply for the loan

  2. Flexible EMIs

  3. 0% interest rate

  4. Immediate approval

  5. No extra processing fee

Note: To find the answers to all of your loan-related inquiries, get in touch with a HexaHealth specialist right now.

For your ICL eye surgery, you do not need to think about paperwork or financial constraints while you undergo your treatment. HexaHealth and our team make this possible. We make sure you receive prompt medical care at the hospital of your choice. 

The following are a few of the many benefits of selecting us for your treatment: 



FDA-approved technology


No hospital stay required


20,000+ new refractive errors treated annually


Skilled eye surgeons with 25+ years of experience


Affordable and discounted procedure costs


100+ advanced eye centres and clinics


Insurance claim support


100% transparency


Highest medical and safety standards


No cost EMI


24/7 Care Buddy


Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) surgery is a medical procedure designed to address vision issues such as: Myopia (nearsightedness)

  1. Hyperopia (farsightedness)

  2. Astigmatism

This surgical intervention involves the permanent implantation of an artificial lens into the eye. This lens is positioned between the natural lens and the coloured iris. The ICL, composed of plastic and collamer, falls under the category of phakic intraocular lenses. 

The term "phakic" signifies that the procedure is performed without removing the eye's natural lens. The purpose of the ICL is to collaborate with the eye's existing lens in refracting light onto the retina, thereby enhancing visual clarity.

About ICL Surgery

While ICL surgery is not critical for correcting vision impairments, it serves as an effective means to eliminate the dependence on glasses or contact lenses. For individuals ineligible for laser eye surgery, ICL surgery presents a viable alternative. 

The procedure takes 10 to 15 minutes only. Usually, topical anaesthesia is administered to the patients for this quick operation. This painless and safe procedure uses only FDA-approved technology for its intervention. 

It is crucial to note that this treatment may not be suitable for everyone. A thorough consultation with a qualified healthcare professional is recommended to assess candidacy.

Diagnostic Tests for ICL Surgery

Diagnostic tests are crucial before ICL eye surgery as they provide an understanding of your case. Depending on the requirements and eye history, your surgeon will recommend the right course of action. As basics, the following mandatory assessments are done: 

  1. Comprehensive Eye Exam: This forms the foundation for assessing your visual acuity, eye health, and any pre-existing conditions. 

  2. Corneal Topography: It is a non-invasive test that maps the curvature and thickness of your cornea, revealing any irregularities.

  3. Pachymetry: Determines your corneal thickness. It is a critical factor in ensuring enough space for the ICL and minimising potential complications.

  4. Anterior Chamber Depth (ACD) Measurement: Gauges the depth of the anterior chamber and the space between the cornea and iris.

  5. Optical Biometry: Utilising precise laser technology, this test measures your eye's length and other key dimensions.

Note: Each test plays a crucial role in assessing your candidacy for ICL surgery.

Advantages of ICL Surgery 

This procedure has several advantages that you can get. It not only provides you with positive returns for vision correction, but through this treatment, you will notice the following: 

  1. Clear vision improvement

  2. Reduced need for glasses or contact lenses

  3. Permanent results for vision correction

  4. Implants a long-lasting, non-changing lens

  5. Suitable for a wide range of patients, such as those with high refractive errors, dry eyes, or thin corneas

  6. A minimally invasive, safe, and effective process

Studies show that about 94% of patients who have this surgery are happy with the outcome.

Risks of Delay in ICL Surgery 

Delaying Implantable contact lens (ICL) surgery may have risks and disadvantages, though specific situations may differ. It is crucial to consider these factors when making an informed choice with your ophthalmologist.

  1. ICL surgery is often sought to correct moderate to severe nearsightedness or farsightedness. Delaying may worsen these conditions.

  2. In some cases, delaying surgery can lead to the development of secondary conditions like cataracts. This can complicate the ICL procedure.

  3. As we age, the cornea, the clear front surface of the eye, naturally becomes thinner. This can affect the suitability of ICL implantation later in life.

  4. Living with uncorrected vision can affect self-esteem and quality of life. 

  5. Depending on your healthcare plan, delaying surgery could impact costs. Some plans may cover only one surgery per year, and waiting could mean exceeding that limit.

ICL Eye Surgery vs LASIK

Both these procedures work for vision correction. However, the techniques and instruments used vary. Additionally, individual factors and specific needs should be discussed with a qualified eye care professional. Only they can decide which is the procedure for you. 

To give you an idea of the difference between the treatments, given below is a table: 


ICL Eye Surgery 

LASIK Surgery

Procedure Type




Nearsightedness (moderate to high), astigmatism (limited)

Nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism


Implants synthetic lens

Reshapes corneal tissue




Thin corneas/dry eyes


Not ideal

Night vision

Often better

Potential for halos/glare

UV protection




More expensive

Less Expensive

Potential complications

Infection, cataracts

Flap issues, dry eyes

Alternatives to ICL Surgery

ICL surgery (Implantable Collamer Lens) is a great vision correction option, but it's not the only one out there! Several alternatives might be better suited depending on your specific needs and eye anatomy.

  1. LASIK: Reshapes the cornea with a laser for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

  2. PRK: Similar to LASIK, but involves removing the epithelium (outer layer) before reshaping. 

  3. Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE): Replace your natural lens with an artificial one for presbyopia, extreme farsightedness, or high nearsightedness. 

  4. Phakic IOLs: Similar to ICLs but placed in front of your natural lens, suitable for high prescriptions or thin corneas but may carry higher risks.

Note: Consulting an ophthalmologist is crucial. They can assess your individual needs, perform a thorough eye examination, and discuss the best options considering your medical history.

Selecting the best medical solutions can be difficult. Even though there are other options, HexaHealth has special features and advantages that aren't found anywhere else. To help you understand better, let's compare the services:


With HexaHealth

Without HexaHealth

Consult with the best surgeons



Initial consultation fees

Discounted or free

Standard fees

ICL surgery 

Discounted and affordable 

Usual cost

Pick up and drop during surgery

Second opinion



Flexible EMIs



HexaBuddy (dedicated 24/7 care coordinator)



Several payment options



0% interest for loans



How can I book an appointment with HexaHealth eye doctors in Mumbai?

Booking an appointment with an eye doctor, specifically through HexaHealth, is very simple. Follow the simple steps mentioned below:

  1. Visit the HexaHealth website ( and select "Mumbai" as your city.

  2. Use the search bar to find hospitals or clinics specialising in eye care. You can filter your search by specific needs like "eye surgery" or "eye specialist."

  3. Once you find a suitable institution, check if they have listed individual doctor profiles.

  4. If online booking isn't available, contact our HexaHealth specialist directly to make an appointment. 

  5. Alternatively, you can download our app for convenient access to our services.

ICL Surgery in Mumbai: Your Gateway to Vision Correction

ICL surgery in Mumbai is a great option, given the leading ophthalmologists in India practice there. Many of them are well-trained and experienced in the latest ICL procedures.

Compared to other major cities, ICL eye surgery in Mumbai can be more affordable, making it an attractive option for cost-conscious patients. With HexaHealth, you can not only get free initial consultation but also pocket-friendly hospital treatment. So call us today for a streamlined, stress-free process!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The best doctors for ICL surgery in Mumbai you can refer to include but are not limited to:

  1. Dr Jatin Shyam Vazirani

  2. Dr Jatin Ashar 

  3. Dr Nitin Tiwari

  4. Dr Yusuf Virani

  5. Dr Parveen Grover


Hospitals that perform affordable ICL eye surgery in Mumbai include the following: 

  1. Gurukripa Eye Care

  2. Drishti Netralaya

  3. Mumbai Eye Care 

  4. Apex Multispeciality Hospital

  5. Envision Eye Hospital


Studies have shown that about 94% of patients are happy with the outcome. Most people achieve 20/40 vision without requiring lenses or glasses.  


The ICL surgery in Mumbai cost depends on the type of lens and brand you choose. However, in total, you are looking at the following amount:

  1. Minimum cost: ₹  85,000

  2. Average Expense: ₹ 1,20,000

  3. Maximum price: ₹ 1,60,000


Undergoing ICL surgery in Mumbai may carry certain risks. These include: 

  1. Infection

  2. Cataracts

  3. Glaucoma

  4. Corneal edema

  5. Retinal detachment

  6. Loss of vision (rare)


After ICL eye surgery in Mumbai, most people see well within 2 to 3 days. However, full recovery can take 3 to 4 weeks.


Toric ICLs can correct astigmatism along with nearsightedness or farsightedness. However, consult a doctor to determine your eligibility.


As this procedure is a cosmetic procedure, only if the doctor mandates it can you get financial assistance. You can avail a no-cost EMI loan for this procedure with HexaHealth. We also offer other financing assistance. Please speak with our team to know more. 


ICL implants a lens, while LASIK reshapes the cornea. ICL is suitable for wider prescription ranges and preserves the natural lens, but LASIK might be faster and less invasive.


Visit our HexaHealth website and pick your location. You will find a doctor's list, pick up and book an appointment with them on their dedicated page. You can use our HexaHealth app for the same as well. 


This is a vision correction procedure. It is used to implant a lens to correct vision issues like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and sometimes astigmatism.


Typically, it is not covered under insurance. However, if it is mandated as a procedure by a doctor to fix an injury, you can avail insurance. To understand eligibility, please speak to our HexaHealth team. 


ICL is for individuals with a natural lens. At the same time, IOL replaces a clouded natural lens (cataract surgery). Therefore, they are not the same.


ICL is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified surgeon. A thorough preoperative evaluation is a crucial step to understanding the suitability of the candidate.


It is a specific type of ICL. It is designed to correct astigmatism along with nearsightedness or farsightedness.


Why Choose HexaHealth?



All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Our medical reviewers also check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

  1. Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) Surgery [Internet]. Cleveland Clinic. [cited 2024 Jan 31]. link
  2. Hebebrand K. What to Know About Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) Surgery? [Internet]. WebMD. [cited 2024 Jan 31]. link
  3. ICL Surgery Procedure, Benefits, Side Effects, and Precautions [Internet]. Healthline. 2020. Available from: link
  4. Zhang H, Gong R, Zhang X, Deng Y. Analysis of perioperative problems related to intraocular Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) implantation. International Ophthalmology [Internet]. 2022 Jun 22 [cited 2024 Jan 31];42(11):3625–41. link
  5. Packer M. Meta-analysis and review: effectiveness, safety, and central port design of the intraocular collamer lens. Clinical Ophthalmology. 2016 Jun;

Last Updated on: 26 March 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


Sangeeta Sharma

Sangeeta Sharma

BSc. Biochemistry I MSc. Biochemistry (Oxford College Bangalore)

6 Years Experience

She has extensive experience in content and regulatory writing with reputed organisations like Sun Pharmaceuticals and Innodata. Skilled in SEO and passionate about creating informative and engaging medical conten...View More

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