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What is Squint Surgery Age Limit Criteria?

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Shivani Arora, last updated on 13 March 2023| min read
What is Squint Surgery Age Limit Criteria?

Quick Summary

  • Squint is an eye condition that impacts not just the vision but also a person's confidence
  • Squint surgery can be an effective option to treat squint, but only after knowing the best age for squint surgery
  • The best age for squint surgery is between 6 and 9 years old

Squint is an eye condition that impacts not just the vision but also a person’s confidence. However, the good news is that this problem can be treated with surgery. But before you proceed with the surgery, you must know the squint surgery age limit, the health conditions, and other essentials to achieve 100% success. 

There is no denying that your eyes are one of the most determining parts of your personality. It is only natural for people to desire beautiful and healthy eyes to be able to participate in their everyday activities and enhance their looks. Even though squint is not considered to be a disability, it does result in improper vision, blurriness, etc., and leaves a significant impact on the life of a person. Therefore, surgery can be an effective option, but only after knowing the best age for squint surgery. In this article, we will take you across what exactly squinting is all about, its causes, squint eye surgery age limit, and much more.

What are Squint Eyes?

Normal eyes move in a coordinated manner, in which the object being looked at is in the center of the eye. A squint is just the opposite of this. Misalignment of the eyes can be defined as squint or strabismus. This means both eyes are not lined up together to see the same thing. 

While one eye is looking at what the person wants to look at, the other eye is looking somewhere else. The squinting might turn the eyeballs up or down and, in many cases, in and out. The most common causes of squint among adults and children include:

  1. Genetic conditions or syndromes like down syndrome
  2. Cerebral palsy
  3. Delays in the development cycle
  4. Infections such as measles
  5. Uncorrected refractive errors
  6. Poor vision in one eye
  7. Stroke
  8. Neurological problems
  9. Head injuries
  10. Graves’ disease

Squint eye surgery is a procedure that aims to correct the misalignment of the eyes. The surgery typically involves tightening or loosening the eye muscles to improve eye alignment. The surgery may be performed on one or both eyes, depending on the severity of the condition.

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Factors Affecting the Squint Eye Surgery

Squint eye surgery is one of the best ways to eradicate this problem permanently. Some of the most significant factors affecting squint eye surgery are : 

  1. The age of the patient: Age can affect squint eye surgery in several ways. Younger patients may have better outcomes because their eyes are still developing and more adaptable. Older patients may have more complex eye conditions and reduced muscle flexibility, making surgery more challenging. 
  2. The type of squint: The three primary types of squint are convergent, divergent, and vertical squints. The type of squint a person is suffering from plays a determining role in the success of their squint surgery.
  3. The degree of squint: The degree of squint can be classified as intermittent and constant. Intermittent is a squint that comes and goes, whereas constant is when a person has squint at all times. The squint's degree can affect the effectiveness of squint eye surgery. 
  4. The duration of the squint: It refers to the period for which a person has been suffering from the squint eye. The sooner the problem can be assessed and treated, the better for the patient.
  5. Cause of the squint eye problem: Another factor crucial in squint eye surgery is the cause. While some people are born with it, some can develop it later due to multiple reasons.
  6. Delayed treatment: The success rate of squint eye surgery highly depends on the right treatment age. The sooner it can be done, the better.
  7. Refractive error: It is a condition in which an individual's eye does not bend light correctly, causing blurred vision and impacting the squint eye surgery. 
  8. Past surgeries to cure the squint eye problem: The eye is a sensitive organ, so the right treatment must be done in one go. Repetitive surgeries can impact the success rate of squint eye surgery.

Role of Age in Squint Eye Surgery

Also known as cross-eyes or walleyes, squint is an eye disorder that can be seen in children but also affects adults. There is no fixed age for a person to get this problem. Even though there is no squint eye surgery age limit, doctors claim that the sooner this surgery is done, the better it is. In adults, the surgery is performed to get rid of eyeglasses with heavy prisms and patches that one has been struggling with for years. 

Best Age for Squint Surgery

Squint surgery is an effective and easy procedure and is highly recommended for all age groups. While people may get reluctant to get their baby’s eyes operated on, squint surgery is one of the safest procedures that can be performed. 

  1. Squint surgery age limit for children: Believe it or not, it is super safe, even for babies as small as four months. Doctors strongly advocate the many benefits of this surgery at an early age. It improves their vision permanently and boosts their confidence in the long run. The primary reason behind early surgery is the brain’s adaptability, which is quicker in children than adults.
  2. Squint surgery age limit for adults: The primary purpose of squint eye surgery is to add quality and clarity to vision. Among adults, squint surgeons have been known to improve vision and boost a person’s confidence level and looks. What makes these surgeries excellent is the fact that they can be safely done at any age and provide the person with excellent results.

Squint Eye Surgery Assessment and Outcomes

Non-surgical treatments such as eye exercises and corrective lenses can help. Squint eye surgery may be necessary in more severe cases. However, the outcomes of squint eye surgery can vary depending on a range of factors, including the patient's age, the severity of the condition, and the specific surgical technique used.

Among children

Squint can be detected in babies as small as three months. If there is any significant problem in the eyes, then it is best to take medical help as early as possible. Some of the most prominent ways for the assessment of squint eyes among children are: 

  1. Abnormal red reflex
  2. Limited abduction
  3. Double vision
  4. Headaches
  5. Involuntary, repetitive, side-to-side oscillation of the eyes (Nystagmus)
  6. Face turned to the side
  7. Neurological diseases

93% of children with primary, non-paralytic childhood exotropia achieve a favourable outcome (final alignment for near and distance between +/- 10 dioptres of straight) with squint surgery. 

Among adults

Squint eyes in adults can happen due to many reasons. The most common reasons include diabetes, thyroid, brain tumours, head trauma, strokes, etc. In a few cases, eye surgery can also cause squint. Some of the most prominent ways to detect squint in adults are: 

  1. Complaints of eye fatigue
  2. Double vision
  3. Overlapped vision causing confusion
  4. Problem in reading 
  5. Pulling sensation around the eyes
  6. Inability to make direct eye contact 

One of the biggest misconceptions about squint eye surgery is that nothing can be done to cure squint permanently. However, the truth is just the opposite of that. Approximately 80% of squint eye surgeries are successful. Most patients experience a significant improvement in their eye alignment and vision within a few days of the surgery. The requirement for additional surgeries completely depends on the extent and duration of the squint. 

Complications of Not Treating Squint in Time

If proper attention is not given to any problem at the right time, chances are that it will only worsen. And that is exactly the case when it comes to squint. Therefore, it is important to know the squint surgery age limit and get the treatment as soon as possible. 

Timely treatment ensures not just the elimination of the problem but also that things can be controlled at the right time. However, if a person chooses to be careless and avoids the treatment or surgery, then they are bound to face the following problems:

  1. A lazy eye (a condition in which the brain ignores receiving signals from the affected eye, resulting in abnormal eyesight)
  2. Persistent blurred or double vision
  3. Eye strain
  4. Fatigue
  5. Headaches
  6. A significant dip in a person’s level of confidence and self-esteem
  7. Difficulty with depth perception
  8. Emotional and social impact

While there is no specific squint eye surgery age limit, the sooner the squint can be detected in a child, the better it is for them. Routine eye checkups are done among babies and children to ensure they are free from this problem. 

In many schools, eye camps are organized to detect early squint and other eye-related problems among children. Often, newborns develop a squint by the age of 2 months, and it gets naturally cured within a couple of months. This is not a cause for concern. However, if the squint persists, it’s time for you to get a doctor’s consultation. Some of the most common ways to assess squint in a person are:

  1. Retina and optic nerve test: Conducting eyesight tests
  2. Alternate eye test: Covering and uncovering each eye in turn
  3. Light test: Checking the pupils of the eye with a torch for contraction and dilation
  4. Ultrasound: In extreme cases, the doctor may need to perform a scan of the eye or brain

When to Consult a Doctor?

One needs to know that squint is not a condition that will get better or heal on its own. To permanently eradicate this problem from a person’s life, they must consult a good doctor and start treatment for the same. One must get medical advice for squint when they are facing the following problems:

  1. A child had squinted eyes all the time
  2. When a child is three months or more and has a squint that comes and goes
  3. When you see your child looking at objects from sideways or closing one eye to see clearly
  4. When you develop squint or double vision at any point


Misalignment in the eyes can not just disturb vision but also a person's confidence level. Even though there are many causes for squint to occur, the result is always the same. Thanks to the tremendous rise in technology and advancements in today’s time and age, people are aware and informed. They can treat this problem and find their way to a healthy and beautiful life. While there is no squint surgery age limit, getting the problem diagnosed and treated as early as possible is always better. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

One of the best things about squint eye surgery is that it can be successfully carried out at any age. The squint surgery age limit starts from 5 months, and there’s no maximum age limit for the same.
The eye surgery age limit in children depends as squint often comes and goes till a baby is four months old. However, if the problem persists after this age, it’s best to get their squint eye surgery done as soon as possible.

Doctors firmly advocate getting squint eye surgery done at the earliest. If a doctor detects a squint in your baby’s eye after five months, you can get it corrected at that age to eliminate eye-related problems. Therefore, the best age for squint surgery can be as early as five months. 

In most cases, a squint is developed in a person’s eye in the initial three years of their lives. However, a few people might also get it later in their lives. Squint does not increase with age. But it is essential to know that if not corrected at the right time, it might lead to a condition called Lazy Eye, where the brain starts ignoring the signals from the affected eye.
There is no squint surgery age limit. This means that the squint can be removed with the help of surgery at any point in time. However, it is best to get it done as early as possible.
It will not be wrong to say that squint eye is unsafe for kids. It does not only results in blurred or double vision but also causes Lazy eyes.
It is most common for young children to get a squint eye between one and four years old. However, a squint can occur at any age. Children over three months of age with squints should see an eye specialist.
Since adults have no specific squint surgery age limit, people can get it done anytime they want. Squint surgery can be safely performed as early as age one to as far as age 80.
No, squint eyes do not get worse with age, and no deterioration occurs. However, it can impact a person’s vision, confidence, and personality.
There is no squint eye surgery age limit; thus, the eyes can be corrected at any age. You can get it done as early as one year to as far as 80 years.
The human eye continues to grow till the age of 18. Therefore, in some cases, the squint might recur after some time. In such cases, another surgery is required to treat the problem.

Depending on the choice of your hospital and doctor, the price of squint eye surgery in India mostly varies from INR 22,000 to INR 55,000.

Here are a few more options if you are not interested in eliminating squint through surgery. These treatment options include using prescribed eyeglasses and patient-driven eye exercises such as pencil pushups, barrel cards, brock string, etc. But one must know that these treatments might take longer and only sometimes succeed.
Squint eye surgery is recommended for patients when conventional methods of wearing glasses, eye patches, exercises, etc., have failed to obtain the desired results. Even though squint eye surgery is known to be highly effective, there can be certain complications, such as lost muscle, allergic reactions, conjunctival scarring, anti-elevation syndrome, etc.
Some people are born with a squint eye, while others might develop it later in their life. Therefore, squint can be genetic, but it is not always true.
In cases where the squint eye problem is treated at the right age, the eye-related problem is permanently eliminated. However, if a person has been suffering for a very long time, the results might vary from one person to another.
The squint surgery is done after the patient has been given general anesthesia. This means that they are not conscious when the surgery is taking place. However, they can feel eye soreness for a few days. The doctor prescribes eye drops and painkillers for the same.

Squint eye surgery is one of the most famous and cost-effective ways to align the eyes properly. The squint eye surgery success rate in adults is around 60%–80%. However, the success rate can vary depending on several factors, such as the patient’s age, the type and cause of squint, coexisting ocular problems, experience and qualification of the doctor, surgical method used, etc.  

Even though, in most cases, the squint takes place when a child is born, or during early childhood, squint can also be caused later in life. Some of the most prominent causes for squint in adults are uncorrected refractive errors, poor vision in one eye, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, stroke, neurological problems and head injuries, and Graves’ disease. 

Misalignment of the eyes is obvious and can be easily seen among adults. To diagnose the problem, the doctor may shine a light, like a penlight in the eye, to attain a better understanding. If there is no squint, there will be a reflection in the center of each pupil. However, if a person has a squint, the reflection will be seen in only the non-affected eye.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as the best age for squint surgery or squint eye surgery age limit. It is an extremely effective surgery to align the eyes and improve vision at any age.

Last Updated on: 13 March 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


Shivani Arora

Shivani Arora

BA Journalism and Mass Communication

2 Years Experience

She is an accomplished new-age professional who has interviewed prominent personalities such as Bhaichung Bhutia, G. Sathiyan, Shashi Tharoor, etc. A content writer interested in health communication, graphic desi...View More

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