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Regular Eye Checkup: Importance, What to Expect and Benefits

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Nikita Tyagi, last updated on 7 November 2022| min read
Regular Eye Checkup: Importance, What to Expect and Benefits

Quick Summary

  • Regular eye check-up is aimed at assessing all those aspects in addition to eyesight which determine the health of our eyes and affects vision
  • It helps in detecting eye problems at an early stage
  • It helps in preventing vision loss
  • It helps in choosing the right eye care options
Most people believe that an eye check-up is synonymous with the eyesight test. However, that is not true. A regular eye check-up is aimed at assessing all those aspects in addition to eyesight which determine the health of our eyes and affects vision.
However, before you get ready for your first test, we will give you an insight into a routine eye check-up. Keep reading to find out why it is important to have an eye check-up done regularly.

Importance of Regular Eye Check-ups

Eye check-ups are not limited to just checking the eyesight. During a routine eye check-up, aspects other than the quality of your vision are assessed. These include the pressure of your eyes, the alignment, and the examination of the retina, optic nerve, and other vital ocular elements.

Most diseases that can potentially cause blindness do not present symptoms until the later stages of the disease. When detected, it is always too late to be corrected. Not only that, but certain conditions like diabetes, cancer, thyroid, and hypercholesterolemia also manifest in different parts of the eye and can be detected early during routine check-ups.

Therefore, the significance of a regular eye-check up lies in the following:
  1. Knowing what your healthy eye looks like so that minute changes can be immediately detected and analysed for injuries and diseases.
  2. Catching signs of the onset of vision-threatening conditions like cataract, glaucoma, and other retinal abnormalities and incorporating corrective actions.
  3. Getting diagnosed with other diseases like diabetes, cancer, hypertension, etc., and taking an early step towards their management.
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How often should one get an Eye Check-up done?

Frequent routine eye check-ups vary depending on age and increased risk of other health conditions affecting vision and existing eye problems. 
  1. The first eye examinations of a child are done in the sixth month to ensure their visual abilities and help detect abnormalities like strabismus, lazy eyes, ptosis or droopy eyelid, cataract and blocked tear ducts. If not treated at the earliest, these conditions can lead to poor vision or vision loss shortly. 
  2. The next eye test is recommended just before starting school when poor eyesight and other eye problems can create discomfort for a child to read what is written in the books or on the board.
  3. From 20-39 years of age, an eye test once every 2-4 years is enough to maintain good eye health unless recommended otherwise. 
  4. Between 40-64 years of age, eyesight changes and diseases like diabetes and hypertension, potentially affecting vision, are more likely to set in. So schedule a check-up at least once every two years. 
  5. At 65 years, a regular eye check-up, once every year after that, is a must. Older adults are at an increased risk of vision loss and other conditions like cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and dry eye syndrome due to insufficient and poor-quality tear production and diabetic retinopathy.

What to expect during a Regular Eye Check-up?

Before we understand what happens in a regular eye check-up, we should know three different eye specialists are performing other functions.
Eye Specialist Role
Ophthalmologist Diagnose and treat all eye problems, prescribe medicines and perform surgery
Optometrist Can assist ophthalmologists and suggest corrective lenses but cannot prescribe medicines or perform surgery
Optician Not involved in diagnosis and treatment, provide appropriate glasses and lenses based on the ophthalmologist's prescription.

During The Check-up

  1. Inquiry About Your Medical History
    1. If this is your first-ever eye check-up, your doctor will ask several questions. Those often include your family history of diseases, the medications you are on at the eye check-up, allergies, your medical history, and whether you have had eye surgery before.
    2. If you wear contact lenses or glasses, you can be asked about their power, for how long you have been wearing them and how that makes you feel.
  2. Visual Acuity Test
    1. Through this test, your efficiency of near and distant vision is assessed.
    2. The test is done separately for the right and left eye using lenses of different powers.
    3. ​​​​​​​During the trial, your doctor will see your ability to read alphabets of gradually decreasing size printed on a board fixed at a distance. If required, you will be prescribed contact lenses or glasses at the end of the test to correct your vision.
  3. Eye Pressure Assessment
    1. Eye pressure is assessed using a tonometer, and the process is known as tonometry. This is used to evaluate the possible risk of glaucoma in a patient. Tonometry is of two types-applanation tonometry and non-contact tonometry. Before applanation tonometry, your eyes will be numbed with anaesthetic drops. 
    2. However, during non-contact tonometry, no eye-numbing drop is needed as there is no device touching your eyes. The pressure of the eyes is estimated using a puff of air.
  4. Dilated Evaluation
    1. During this test, your pupil is dilated by using dilating drops, which can take about an hour to show effect. The dilation allows a better view of the back of your eye, called the fundus. It will enable the doctor to examine your retina, optic nerve and blood vessels.
    2. A  special fundus camera and ophthalmoscope are used during the test. It can help detect age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetes, retinal degeneration, etc. 
    3. However, post a dilated evaluation, you will have blurry vision for some time. Besides, the light will make your eyes uncomfortable. So, confirm with your doctor if they are performing the test on you so that you can make arrangements in advance to return home. 
  5. Eye Muscle Test
    1. This is known as extraocular muscle function testing. The purpose of this test is to evaluate if the muscles of the eyes are functioning correctly. During the test, you will be asked to keep your head straight. 
    2. An object 40 centimetres from your face will be moved in different directions, usually eight. You will be asked to trace the object's motion with your eyes without moving your head. 
    3. A cover/uncover test might be performed. You will be asked to focus on a distant object during the trial. One of your eyes will be covered for a few seconds. You will be asked to continue focusing on the thing even after it is uncovered. The movement of the eye after getting revealed is assessed for problems.
  6. Slit-lamp Examination
    1. The slit-lamp examination is primarily done to evaluate the front part of your eyes. The slit-lamp is a binocular microscope and uses a narrow, intense beam of light to augment the anatomical features of the eye.
    2. Clear 3-D images allow the doctor to evaluate the eyelids, skin around your eyes, sclera, iris, cornea and eye lens. A special dye is used to stain different eye structures and detect abnormalities easily. 
    3. When used with an ophthalmoscope, the retina can also be evaluated. However, before that, the pupils must be dilated using dilating eye drops to allow a detailed view. 
  7. Perimetry
    1. Perimetry assesses the visual field of a person. Visual field refers to the maximum extent in your periphery to which you can see while focusing on a central point. Perimetry is of two types- Goethe dmann field exam and automated perimetry. 
    2. A screen is placed 3 feet away from the patient in Goldmann perimetry. The patient is asked to focus on an object and report when that moves into peripheral vision.
    3. In automated perimetry, the patient needs to focus on an object present in the middle of a concave dome they are made to sit in front of. They are asked to press a button in response to observing flashes of light.
    4. Perimetry can help detect eye diseases like optic nerve damage, neuropathy and scotomas. 
  8. Refraction Test
    1. This test is used to detect the refractive error in your eyes. The result of this test determines whether you need corrective glasses or contact lenses or not. You will be asked to look through a refractor device during the trial.
    2. The device can move lenses of different power to your view.
    3. Through the lenses, you will focus on an eye chart placed six metres apart and report the clarity of your vision. After that, your doctor shines light into your eyes through a specialised device and draws conclusions based on the type of refraction observed.
    4. You will have a typical vision if light focuses on the retina after refraction. Otherwise, you will need corrective glasses or contact lenses. This test can detect conditions like myopia, presbyopia, corneal infections, astigmatism, retinal detachment etc.

Your doctor might also recommend some follow-up tests if they detect any possible disease. Those will, however, not be a part of the routine eye check-up.

After The Check-up

After all the tests have been performed, your doctor will discuss the results with you. That will give you insight into the strength of your vision, the risk of diseases, and whether you will be required to implement vision correction measures to incorporate to maintain optimal eye health.

Benefits of Eye Check-up

Now that you are acquainted with the process of eye check-ups, let’s see why it is so important to get it done regularly.
  1. To Detect The Onset Of Life-threatening Diseases
    1. A closer look gives the ophthalmologist an insight into your general health. Several severe diseases like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia can be detected early during an eye check-up. 
    2. This not only gives you a chance to save your eyes from the harm those diseases can cause but also to take preventive measures and manage their progression, which can be fatal if left untreated. 
  2. To Manage Inherited Eye Diseases
    1. Some eye problems have a genetic basis and are inherited through generations. These include cataracts, glaucoma, colour blindness, strabismus, age-related macular degeneration, etc.
    2. If you have a family history of these diseases, you are at an increased risk of developing the same. In that case, it is imperative to have regular eye check-ups done so that they can be detected and corrected before they start affecting your vision.
  3. To Make Day-to-day Life Comfortable
    1. Vision is amongst one of the senses. However, when it deteriorates, the quality of life is severely hampered. Therefore, a regular check-up can help with the early diagnosis, leading to the implementation of effective corrective measures. Even if it is just an altered power of your eye lenses, delayed diagnosis can put you through days of discomfort, headache, eye pain, and blurred vision.
  4. In addition, conditions like astigmatism, dryness of the eyes, allergy, and itching in the eyes are competent enough to bring down the quality of life. Early detection will ensure better management of such conditions and enhance comfort in your day-to-day life. Moreover, during a regular check-up, your doctor will also discuss healthy foods for your eyes and lifestyle changes you can incorporate for better eye health.


In a nutshell, it can be said that ignoring your eye health can lead you to pay a considerable price. Therefore, give it as much importance as you give to the other body parts. A check-up once a year or two, as per the advice of your doctor, is all it takes to maintain a robust vision and protect your eyes from the perils of other diseases.
If you have been looking for a free eye check-up, then navigate to HexaHealth's page and book your free consultation now. Schedule your first eye check-up and get an insight into your eye health. If the doctor prescribes surgery too, they have got you covered with expert surgeons and a team that will be by your side every step of the way during your treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

In addition to getting your vision corrected, regular eye check-ups can help detect other eye problems like glaucoma, cataract, and age-related macular degeneration before they start to impair your vision. Such conditions can progress to cause blindness. Other diseases like diabetes, cancer, and hypertension can also be detected through a regular check-up during a detailed look at the eye.
Before an eye exam, make sure that your eyes are well-rested. Overexertion will lead to eye fatigue after the test. Besides, avoid drinking coffee or alcohol as they increase blood pressure. You will most likely get an incorrect diagnosis because of that. Lastly, do not forget your corrective glasses or lenses at home. If the power of your eyes has changed, then you will have to change the glasses and lenses too.
If you are wearing contacts, you should do an eye check-up annually. Your prescription will usually remain valid for a year. Without updating it, you cannot buy new contact lenses. An eye exam every year will make sure that your contact lenses comply with your current prescription and are efficient in correcting your refractive error. If your current lenses make you uncomfortable, you might be in need of a lens of different power.Since your prescription expires after that, you need to check if your lenses are still effective in correcting your refractive order or have to be changed. In addition, since your contacts cover a part of the eye, the oxygen supply to the cornea is partially cut off. Regular check-ups will help determine if that is leading to harmful consequences.
If you wear glasses, you should get your vision checked every two years. Your doctor will assess your vision and check if the corrective glasses are still effective. In case your power has changed, the prescription will be altered.
It is advised not to wear contacts during a routine eye exam since that interferes with the diagnosis. However, there are separate tests aimed at assessing the comfort of your vision with the contacts during which you can put them on. You should, however, always carry your lenses while going for the check-up.
After 40, it is best to take an eye test every two years. This is when people have an increased susceptibility to eye diseases and other illnesses like diabetes that can hamper eye health. A regular check-up will help with early diagnosis and management.
Usually, an eye test is valid for two years. However, if your optometrist feels the need for a more frequent check-up, they can schedule your next eye exam within two years.
If you can go for a test every year, it is good. Otherwise, a check-up once every two years is a reasonably good frequency. However, you must get your eye exam every year if you are six and above. Besides, if you wear glasses or contacts, have an eye problem, or are more susceptible to it, you should check your eyes more frequently as recommended by your doctor.
If you do not remember when you had your last test, or you have been experiencing problems with your vision, dizziness, headaches, allergy in the eyes, or have a chronic disease like diabetes that can affect the eyes or a family history of eye problems like cataract and glaucoma; you must get your eyes checked.
You must go to the opticians at least once every two years. In case you have other problems, you will be advised for more frequent check-ups.
If you fail your eyesight test, you will be recommended to take a more detailed eye examination to determine the cause of the failure. It can be due to diabetic retinopathy, cataract, glaucoma, or a refractive error in your eye lenses.
An eye checkup can pave the way to diagnosing some very severe illnesses. Some include diabetes, cancer, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, thyroid, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, etc.
Yes, a brain tumour can be detected before any other signs and symptoms appear. The tumour can press against the optic nerve or affect the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, which can cause hypertension to be visible during an eye check-up.
The sclera is the white portion of the eye. As long as it is white, you are considered in good health. Yellow sclera indicates jaundice, and during conjunctivitis, it turns red. Dryness, redness, and other abnormalities can signify the presence of eye problems that need to be corrected.
Advanced technology allows a digital eye examination to give more accurate results. However, traditional eye check-ups are reasonably accurate too.
Yearly eye exams assess your vision and the overall health of your eye. They can help in the early diagnosis of eye problems and other illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, and cancer.
As per studies, dusk and dawn, preferably 8 am and 8 pm, are the best times to get an eye check-up. However, as most hospitals will be closed during those hours, you should get your check-up done whenever you are comfortable.
You cannot improve your vision before an eye exam. But you can prepare your eyes well by having a good night’s sleep and keeping your eyes off the screens.
It is a big no. You should not drink caffeine before an eye exam since that can shoot up your blood pressure. In that case, you will most likely get an incorrect measurement.
The bright light of the optometrist can feel uncomfortable, but they are not powerful enough to damage your eyes.

Last Updated on: 7 November 2022

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


Nikita Tyagi

Nikita Tyagi

BPharm (Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University, Hyderabad)

2 Years Experience

An enthusiastic writer with an eye for details and medical correctness. An avid reviewer and publisher. She emphasises authentic information and creates value for the readers. Earlier, she was involved in making ...View More

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