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Best VMO Strengthening Exercises - Activate Your VMO Muscle

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rajeshwari Panda
Written by Hexahealth Care Team, last updated on 30 September 2023| min read
Best VMO Strengthening Exercises - Activate Your VMO Muscle

Quick Summary

  • Vastus Medialis Oblique (VMO) muscle is a small muscle located on the inside of the thigh
  • It helps to stabilize the kneecap and prevent it from moving too much
  • VMO strengthening exercises are helpful in treating knee pain and improving knee function
  • Some of the most effective VMO exercises include the clamshell exercise, the side-lying leg raise, and the straight leg raise

You may not want to bend it like Beckham. But you would certainly like to be able to bend your knees without pain or discomfort. The knee joint facilitates bending the legs and allows us to undertake various regular activities like walking, running, sitting or standing. The kneecap, or patella as it is scientifically called, protects the knee joint and assists in the smooth bending and stretching of the legs. Irregular movement of this kneecap affects our mobility, hampering our day-to-day activities. VMO strengthening exercises are the remedy for this problem. 

Before we look at the various effective VMO exercises, let us learn more about the Vastus Medialis Oblique muscle that we are aiming to strengthen.

Vastus Medialis Oblique Muscles

The quadriceps present in the thigh region is made of four muscles. Vastus Medialis Oblique is one of the four muscles in the quadriceps. It is seen in the inside front of our thighs just above the knees. 
  1. Its other major function is to keep the patella on track.
  2. This muscle helps us extend our knees and bend our legs forward. 
 The VMO can become weak if 
  1. The muscle is not in regular use. 
  2. There is an injury that affects the knee joint. 
When there is inflammation of the knee joint, fluid collects inside it. It prevents the signals from properly travelling from the brain to the muscles. This weakens the VMO leading to the pulling of the patella to one side by the other muscles (patellar tracking disorder). This can cause various problems that result in pain and restrictions in movement. Below mentioned are some of the conditions that can develop due to VMO weakening.
  1. Patellar Tracking Disorder
    1. When the kneecap doesn't move properly in the groove at the end of the thigh bone, the condition is known as patellar tracking disorder. Patella refers to the kneecap, which is attached to the thigh and leg bone by tendons and ligaments.
    2. In normal conditions, the kneecap moves over a groove when you extend or bend the legs. 
    3. When the VMO is weak, the patella is pulled unevenly, resulting in it moving away from the groove. In most cases, the patella moves away from the track, outside of the knee joint. But in rare cases, the kneecap may also move the inner side.
    4. These occur especially during activities like running, jumping, squatting or walking downstairs. This can also happen because of sports injuries, overuse or trauma. 
    5. The most common symptoms of this disorder are pain and swelling. A feeling of the knees buckling is also common in this condition.  
  2. Patellofemoral Syndrome
    1. It is another problem that results from a weak VMO. Patellofemoral syndrome, more commonly known as "Runners' Feet", is one of the main reasons for knee pain.
    2. This condition is not restricted to runners, as the name suggests. It also affects people who are not too active. 
    3. The pain is caused by the incorrect movement of the kneecap. 
    4. It places extra stress on the cartilage resulting in friction in the back of the knee. 
    5. The symptoms appear gradually and often come and disappear. 
  3. Chondromalacia Patella
    1. It is another painful condition resulting from the patella's irregular movement. The cartilage behind the kneecap becomes soft and damaged. It happens as the kneecap rubs against the sides of the grooves. 
    2. This condition is often seen in young and healthy people involved in sports. Women are more prone to the condition than men. 
    3. The symptoms include front knee pain, mild swelling, tenderness of the kneecap, and pain while climbing stairs or after prolonged rest. 
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Benefits Of VMO Exercises

VMO muscle plays a vital role in helping control the knee’s alignment through movement and loading. Thus, VMO exercises if really beneficial for an individual. These exercises have the following benefits:
  1. VMO exercises help to strengthen the VMO.
  2. A strong VMO ensures that the kneecap moves properly.
  3. VMO exercises prevent the kneecap from rubbing on the edges of the groove.
  4. These exercises help to prevent knee joint pain due to smooth movement of the kneecap. 
  5. Regular VMO exercises prevent the occurrence of runner's feet by correcting the movement of the kneecap. 

Best VMO Exercises

Below are some of the best VMO exercises that one can do to strengthen the VMO muscles:

VMO Activation

  1. The exercise begins with sitting upright on a chair with the knees bent at a right angle. 
  2. The next step is to place a ball between the knees and the thumbs at the back of the knees. 
  3. You must now gently squeeze the ball, ensuring that the pressure comes from the knees, not the thighs. 
  4. One must feel a tightening or swelling where the thumb is placed. This indicates that the Vastus Medialis exercise is doing what it aims to do. 

Ball Clench Extensions

  1. You must perform the exercise lying flat on the ground. 
  2. A towel needs to be placed below the knees, and a ball is to be kept between them. 
  3. The first step is to clench the buttocks and gently squeeze the ball. 
  4. This is followed by lifting one foot off the ground while continuing to clench the ball. 
  5. Hold the position for three seconds and gently lower the foot. 
  6. You must then repeat with the other leg. 
  7. Perform the VMO exercise for the knee 10 times and gradually increase to 25 repeats. 

Twisted Leg Raise

  1. You must lie on your back and have your knees bent in this exercise. 
  2. Then slowly straighten one leg and turn it outside by around 20 degrees. 
  3. Raise this leg till the thighs of both legs are parallel. 
  4. After holding for three seconds, you must bring the leg down slowly while keeping the feet turned outwards. 
  5. Repeat the exercise with the other leg. Repeating this Vastus Medialis Obliquus VMO strengthening exercise helps strengthen the muscles and reduce knee pain. 

Ball Bridge

  1. Ball Bridge is another VMO Strengthening exercise where you need to lie on your back. 
  2. Keep the knees bent and feet hip distance apart. 
  3. Place a ball between the knees and squeeze it gently with your knees. 
  4. Clench your glutes simultaneously and lift the bottom as much as possible.
  5. It is best not to lift so much as to arch your back. 
  6. Keep this position for three seconds and gently lower the back. 
  7. Throughout the exercise, you must keep the ball pressed by the knees and the glutes clenched. 

Wall Sit with Hip Adduction

  1. This exercise is done by sitting against the wall. 
  2. One must stand with the back against the wall and slide down to a sitting position. 
  3. The hip and knees are at a 90 degree angle. It is important to ensure that the weight is evenly spread along both legs. 
  4. Keeping a soft object like a ball or foam roller between the knees and pressing it results in hip adduction. 
  5. This is one of the most popular VMO exercises that one can practice at home. 

Vastus Medialis Stretch

  1. This Vastus Medialis exercise is done by standing. This exercise activates the quadriceps
  2. Place a chair in front of you and hold it for balance. 
  3. Stand upright and lift one leg towards your buttocks. 
  4. Hold the foot by hand and pull it as much as possible towards yourself without bending forward. 
  5. If you want to focus on the Vastus Medialis alone, you must pull your feet towards the other buttock. You can keep increasing the stretch as you practice by pushing the hips forward. 

Floor Extension

  1. Floor extension must be done by sitting. The steps to do this exercise is as follows:
  2. Sit on the floor with your back pressed against the wall. 
  3. Ensure that the shoulders are arched and your chest is in a proud position. 
  4. Bend one knee and keep the fingers interlocked under it. 
  5. Pull the knee towards the chest without taking the foot off the floor. 
  6. While exhaling, straighten the other leg and lift it as much as possible. Then bring down the leg slowly while inhaling. 
  7. Do three sets of twelve repetitions before changing legs. 

Squat With Hip Adduction

  1. Squats are the best leg exercises. But if you want to focus on the Vastus Medialis, you must add hip adduction to the squat exercise. You can do this by keeping a weight between the knees.
  2. Initially, it is better to use lightweight objects before progressing to heavier weights.
  3. Balls or rolled towels are ideal for this purpose.
  4. Those who are not familiar with doing squats must practice that first before adding the hip adduction. It is one of the Vastus Medialis Obliquus VMO strengthening exercises that target the whole leg. 

Points To Remember Before Doing These Exercises

One should also keep important tips in mind before doing the VMO exercises. Some of these tips include:
  1. Always consult the doctor to know the best exercise to strengthen the VMO muscle.
  2. Follow all the instructions as provided by the doctor.
  3. It is best to wear clothes that allow free movement of your limbs.
  4. Ensure to follow a proper warm-up routine before doing these exercises.
  5. Maintain proper dietary habits along with the exercises.

How Much To Exercise?

  1. It is always advisable to start with a small number of repetitions. This puts less strain on the body.
  2. The usual practice is to start with ten reps and slowly progress as the body gets accustomed to the exercise. The maximum recommended repetitions for these exercises is thirty. However, it is ideal to confirm with your doctor before you increase the reps. 


This article enlists the difficulties that most people face due to the weakness of the Vastus Medialis Obliquus muscles. Some basic and simple exercises can help strengthen and increase the range of motion in these muscles. However, proper care needs to be taken through warm-ups and timely doctor consultation.  

If you too are a victim of knee joint pain and are looking for a remedy, get in touch with a HexaHealth expert today. At HexaHealth, we get to the root of your medical issue and ensure you get the right treatment from the right doctor at the right venue. We also assist you with admission and insurance formalities if required. So don’t waste your time as that knee pain isn’t going to wade away by itself. Contact HexaHealth TODAY!

Frequently Asked Questions

Regular exercises are the best way to strengthen the Vastus Medialis Obliquus muscle. Various exercises like VMO activation, ball clench extensions, twisted leg raise, ball bridge, wall sit with hip adduction, and squat with hip adduction help strengthen the muscle. 
The VMO becomes weak when it is not as active as it is expected to be. This happens when there is pain or swelling in the knee. Swelling in the knee stops the brain from activating the VMO. It affects the order in which the four muscles of the quadriceps must contract. Such a disruption causes a weak VMO.
While squats are the best leg exercises, they don't work the VMO. To strengthen the Vastus Medialis, one must add hip adduction by pressing a ball between the knees while performing squats. 
It is possible to preferentially train the VMO by performing exercises that target the muscle. Ball clench exercise, squats with hip adduction, twisted leg raise, and wall sit with hip adduction are all exercises that help train the VMO.
Various exercises target this muscle. VMO activation, ball clench, floor extensions, squats with hip adduction, Vastus Medialis stretch, floor extension, etc., work the Vastus Medialis muscles. 
You can hit the VMO with exercises that can be performed at home with the minimum number of accessories. 
Yes. Step-ups using the glutes to drive the exercise can work the VMO and strengthen it. It is important to make sure that the knees don't buckle and are pushed outwards. 
You can perform various exercises like floor extension, twisted leg raise, ball bridges and wall sit-ups at home without additional equipment. These exercises help strengthen the VMO.
Your knees can start paining over the years due to overuse. One of the main reasons for such pain is the weakness of the Vastus Medialis Obliquus, which forces the kneecap to move incorrectly. Strengthening the VMO will help bring the patella to the right position and relieve you of pain. 
Exercises like step-ups, single leg squats, wall/ball squats, split squats, etc., help isolate and target the VMO for strengthening. 
To check the strength of the VMO, you must first sit on a chair with a towel rolled and kept under the knee. The knee must be slightly bent. Place your fingers on the front inside portion of the thigh just above the kneecap. Push down the knee on the towel. If your VMO is strong, you will feel a firm tightening below your fingers. 
The Vastus Medialis Obliquus is commonly known as the teardrop muscle. Performing VMO strengthening exercises help in making this muscle strong. 
The VMO split squat is done with one foot placed around 2 to 4 feet in front of the other. The weight is on the front foot. While in this position, keep the hands at the hips and lower, slowly bending the ankle and knee of the front foot. The downward movement should continue till the front thigh is parallel to the ground. The back knee must be under your hip. Start the upward movement after pausing for a couple of seconds in the lower position. Repeat with the other leg in front. 
Leg extensions are great exercises for strengthening the VMO. These exercises can be performed either lying on the ground or sitting on a chair. 
The VMO is one of the quadriceps that pull at the kneecap during the bending and straightening of the leg. If the VMO is weak, the patella will be pulled unevenly, resulting in it moving away from the groove. This can cause it to rub against the sides of the groove, causing pain. 
Unlike the normal squat, in the sissy squat, you lean back and bend from the knees to lower your bottom as low as possible. Standing with feet at shoulder distance apart, you must try and bend backwards from the knees. The pressure is felt in the front of the thighs. The body must form a straight line from the knees to the head. Once you have reached the bottom position, you must raise yourself slowly. 
The Vastus Medialis is a muscle making up the quadriceps. It is the innermost muscle found in the front of the thighs. A portion of this muscle passes obliquely in the inner front portion of the thighs. When you clench your thighs, this portion will appear like a teardrop. This part of the muscle is called the Vastus Medialis oblique. 
The Bulgarian squat is very hard because you are balancing your body weight on one leg. The back leg is only placed lightly on the floor for balance. Lowering yourself on one leg can be very challenging for the muscles and joints.
Both exercises are single-leg lower-body exercises that provide a lot of benefits. However, if the focus is on strengthening the VMO, then the Bulgarian split squat is far more effective. 

Last Updated on: 30 September 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Rajeshwari Panda

Dr. Rajeshwari Panda

MSc Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Certified National Diabetic Educator

6 Years Experience

Dr Rajeshwari Panda is a well-known Dietitian currently associated with SRV Hospital, Chembur. She has 6 years of experience in nutrition and dietetics and worked as an expert dietitian in different cities in India. She has worked i...View More


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