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Anjeer Fruit (Fig) - Health Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Sangeeta Sharma, last updated on 20 November 2023| min read
Anjeer Fruit (Fig) - Health Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects

Quick Summary

  • Anjeer (fig) is a delicious fruit that is packed with nutrients
  • It is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber
  • Anjeer has several health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, improving digestion, and boosting immunity
  • Anjeer can be eaten fresh or dried
  • It can also be used in a variety of recipes, such as smoothies, salads, and desserts

Are you looking to enrich your diet with a delicious fruit packed with nutrients? Anjeer (fig) might be the answer. Known for its natural sweetness, this fruit is a rich source of essential nutrients.

Discover the remarkable health benefits of anjeer that make it a superfood. The following blog discusses its various uses and benefits in fresh and dried forms. You'll also learn about its nutritional profile and potential side effects.

What is Anjeer?

Anjeer, scientifically known as Ficus carica, is a unique fruit with a variety of benefits. It can be consumed in both fresh and dried forms. The fruit typically has a bulbous, pear-shaped. 

It has a slightly wrinkled, leathery skin that varies in colour from shades of green and purple to black, depending on its ripeness and variety. When cut open, the interior of a fig reveals a honey-like flesh filled with tiny, edible seeds. 

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Nutritional Value of Anjeer

Anjeer is a rich source of various macro and micronutrients. Macronutrients are the nutrients the body requires in larger quantities, such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats. On the other hand, micronutrients are the nutrients needed in lesser amounts, like vitamins and minerals.

The components of raw and dried anjeer include:

Name of the Nutritional Component

Value per 100 grams (Raw)

Value per 100 grams (Dried)


79.1 g

30 g


74 kcal

249 kcal


19.2 g

63.9 g

Dietary Fibre

2.9 g

9.8 g


0.75 g

3.3 g


0.3 g

0.93 g


35 mg

162 mg


17 mg

68 mg


14 mg

67 mg


0.37 mg

2.03 mg


0.15 mg

0.55 mg

Vitamin C

2 mg

1.2 mg

Vitamin B1

0.06 mg

0.085 mg

Vitamin B2

0.05 mg

0.082 mg

Vitamin B3

0.4 mg

0.619 mg

Vitamin B5

0.3 mg

0.434 mg

Vitamin B6

0.113 mg

0.016 mg

Vitamin E

0.11 mg

0.35 mg

Vitamin K

4.7 µg

15.6 µg

Health Benefits of Anjeer

There are numerous benefits of eating anjeer that make it a nutritious addition to your diet. Common benefits of having anjeer are listed below:

  1. Boosts Digestive Health: Anjeer has a high fibre content, which aids in regular bowel movements. A study by Pourmasoumi in 2019 showed that when people with irritable bowel syndrome consume 4 figs daily, it significantly reduces constipation.
    The high fibre content also helps regulate blood glucose. It is also low in calories, which helps in weight management and improves overall digestive health. Soaked anjeer is easy to digest, making it suitable for sensitive digestive systems.
  2. Improves Heart Health: Dry anjeer has high potassium levels that help regulate blood pressure. This reduces the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular problems.
  3. Antioxidant Properties: Rich in antioxidants, anjeer helps combat oxidative stress and protect against chronic diseases. Antioxidants help to improve skin health and also possess anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. Improves Respiratory Health: Figs may relieve those struggling with respiratory conditions. It contains compounds like flavonoids and carotenoids that improve the respiratory system.
  5. Supports Hair Growth: The benefits of anjeer for hair health are notable. Its potential anti-inflammatory properties support scalp health and reduce the risk of conditions that can affect hair growth. It also contains iron that promotes hair health.
  6. High Overall Energy: Dried anjeer has a higher energy content than fresh anjeer due to its low water content. It retains the fruit's nutritional value. It contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in a more concentrated form.
  7. Bone Health: The calcium and potassium content in anjeer supports strong bones. It can be essential for women, especially during and after menopause.
  8. Menstrual Health: The iron in anjeer can help women meet their dietary iron needs. This helps in ensuring proper menstrual health. Eating anjeer during pregnancy offers essential nutrients, including fibre for digestion and iron to prevent anaemia. They also provide calcium, potassium, natural energy and antioxidants for overall maternal and foetal well-being.
  9. Cancer Prevention: Studies suggest that anjeer may have cancer-fighting properties. Latex in figs has been shown to disrupt the multiplication of cancer cells in stomach cancer patients.

Side Effects of Anjeer

Anjeer may cause adverse effects in the body when consumed in excess. Having it in moderate quantities (1-2 medium-sized figs of 40-50 grams each) is typically safe and beneficial. Common side effects of eating excess anjeer include:

  1. Digestive Discomfort: Anjeer has a very high fibre content. Because of this, eating excess anjeer may lead to digestive problems like diarrhoea, gas or bloating. 
  2. Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may have allergies to anjeer. This is because anjeer that is not fully ripe contains a compound called ficin, which can cause allergic skin reactions like itching or swelling.
  3. Problems in Calcium Absorption: Anjeer contains a high concentration of oxalates, which can affect calcium absorption in the body. It can cause calcium deficiency when consumed in excess.
  4. Possible Medication Interactions: Anjeer , whether fresh or dried, is rich in vitamin K, promoting blood clotting. Therefore, it can block the action of medicines such as anticoagulants that are used for reducing the viscosity of blood.

How to Eat Anjeer?

Anjeer can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, whether as a snack, as an ingredient in recipes or as a flavour enhancer for different dishes and beverages. Given below are popular options for eating anjeer:

  1. Fresh Anjeer: Individuals can enjoy the freshness of anjeer by washing and eating them whole, skin included.
  2. Baking: Figs can be used in baking recipes, like muffins, cakes, and bread, for a unique flavour and texture.
  3. Salads: Add sliced figs to salads for a sweet contrast with savoury ingredients like greens, cheese, and nuts.
  4. Smoothies: Dried figs blend seamlessly into smoothies, adding natural sweetness and nutty flavour.
  5. Breakfast Add-on: Chopped or sliced anjeer can enhance breakfast by adding them to yoghurt, oatmeal or breakfast cereals.
  6. Preserves: Make fig preserves or jams for spreading on bread or as a condiment.


In conclusion, anjeer (fig) is a delicious fruit and a nutritional powerhouse. Its numerous health benefits make it an essential addition to a healthy diet. However, while enjoying the benefits of anjeer, it is also vital to be aware of the potential side effects. 

Want to incorporate figs into your diet? Is that right for you? Get in touch with a HexaHealth expert today for professional guidance on everything related to healthcare and lifestyle.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Anjeer is a fruit derived from the Ficus carica tree. It is known for its sweet and nutty taste and can be consumed fresh and dried.

Anjeer can be both fresh and dry. It can be consumed in its dried form, which is nutrient-dense.

There are numerous health benefits of anjeer. These include:

  1. Improved digestive health

  2. Better heart health

  3. Weight management

  4. Antioxidant properties

  5. Support for bone health

Dried anjeer is a convenient and long-lasting snack that retains most of the fruit's nutritional value. This makes it an excellent choice for on-the-go nutrition.

You can enjoy anjeer both in fresh and dried forms. Consuming it regularly in moderation is key for maximum benefits.

Anjeer can support men's health by:

  1. Benefiting prostate health

  2. Boosting testosterone

  3. Increasing sperm count

The uses of anjeer are numerous. They can be included in the diet for:

  1. Improving digestive health

  2. Promoting heart health

  3. Managing weight

  4. Enhancing bone health

  5. Providing antioxidant protection

Yes, anjeer can be eaten daily in moderation as part of a balanced diet. However, avoid overconsumption.

Anjeer can be consumed at any time of the day, depending on your preferences. It makes for a nutritious snack or a healthy addition to meals.

Yes, anjeer can be consumed on an empty stomach. It can provide a quick energy boost and aid in digestive regularity.

Yes, anjeer can be consumed during menstruation. It offers iron, which may help alleviate fatigue and anaemia commonly associated with periods.

The benefits of anjeer for females include:

  1. Support for bone health during menopause

  2. Maintains menstrual health

  3. Prevents anaemia

Anjeer is often considered a 'cooling' food, making it suitable for hot weather. It can help regulate body temperature.

Soaked anjeer can be easier to digest and may be particularly helpful for individuals with digestive sensitivities. It can also offer improved hydration.

The benefits of anjeer during pregnancy are seen due to its fibre, iron, calcium, and other nutrients. These support:

  1. Improved digestive health

  2. Prevent anaemia

  3. Promote foetal development

Anjeer can improve hair health. The vitamins and antioxidants present in it may support scalp health.

Consume anjeer in moderation to avoid potential side effects like digestive discomfort. Be mindful of any allergies or medication interactions.

People with an allergy to anjeer or those on medications that interact with anjeer's nutrients should avoid consumption. It's important to consult a doctor if in doubt.

Potential side effects of eating anjeer include:

  1. Digestive issues like diarrhoea or gas

  2. Allergic reactions

  3. Interference in the action of blood thinning medications

The natural sweetness of anjeer and fibre content can be beneficial for liver health. However, it should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Yes, anjeer can be consumed at night. However, it's advisable to eat it in moderation to avoid potential digestive discomfort, especially before bedtime.

The potassium content of anjeer can support heart health, but it's not the sole solution for heart blockage. Consult a cardiologist for specific heart conditions.

The benefits of anjeer for older individuals are important. It supports bone health, digestion and overall well-being.

Anjeer, when consumed in moderation, is unlikely to cause weight gain. Its fibre content promotes a feeling of fullness, aiding in weight management.


All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Our medical reviewers also check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

  1. Ansari, Mohd & Munshi, Younis. (2023). Anjeer (Ficus carica Linn.) A famous fruit with distinct pharmacological properties-A review. International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine. 7. 38-42. 10.33545/2616454X.2023.v7.i1a.228. link
  2. FoodData Central [Internet]. link
  3. Figs: Benefits, side effects, and nutrition [Internet]. 2019. link
  4. Merschel, Michael. “Are Figs Good for You? Get the Whole Sweet Story.”, 5 Aug. 2021, Accessed 30 Oct.
  5. Shoemaker, SaVanna . “Figs: Nutrition, Benefits, and Downsides.” Healthline, 3 June 2020link
  6. Sandhu AK, Islam M, Edirisinghe I, Burton-Freeman B. Phytochemical Composition and Health Benefits of Figs (Fresh and Dried): A Review of Literature from 2000 to 2022. Nutrients. 2023 Jun 3;15(11):2623. doi: 10.3390/nu15112623. PMID: 37299587; PMCID: PMC10255635link
  7. Pourmasoumi M, Ghiasvand R, Darvishi L, Hadi A, Bahreini N, Keshavarzpour Z. Comparison and Assessment of Flixweed and Fig Effects on Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Predominant Constipation: A Single-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial. Explore (NY). 2019 May-Jun;15(3):198-205. doi: 10.1016/j.explore.201link
  8. Hashemi SA, Abediankenari S, Ghasemi M, Azadbakht M, Yousefzadeh Y, Dehpour AA. The Effect of Fig Tree Latex (Ficus carica) on Stomach Cancer Line. Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2011 Apr;13(4):272-5. Epub 2011 Apr 1. PMID: 22737478; PMCID: PMC3371962link
  9. WebMD "Fig: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warninglink
  10. FICIN: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and

Last Updated on: 20 November 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

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Sangeeta Sharma

Sangeeta Sharma

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