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Top Exercises & Yoga Poses for Constipation Relief with Picture

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Charu Shrivastava, last updated on 17 January 2023| min read
Top Exercises & Yoga Poses for Constipation Relief with Picture

Quick Summary

  • Yoga is an ancient practice that combines mental, physical, and spiritual healing.
  • Yoga can help to relieve constipation by improving digestion and promoting regularity.
  • There are many different yoga exercises that can be helpful for constipation, including the child's pose, the cobra pose, and the downward-facing dog pose.

Yoga combines mental, physical, and spiritual healing through meticulous stretches or postures. This ancient practice offers multiple health benefits, including curing stubborn body problems like constipation. This digestive problem, when it prevails for longer, can result in other chronic complications. Thus, it is better to cut this at the initial stage with simple or essential remedies. 

Exercising for constipation relief can be a good alternative to medications or other therapies. Also, several yoga exercises for constipation are convenient and effective. Moreover, switching to yoga asanas to eliminate constipation brings in no hassle but absolute satisfaction. Curious to know more? 

This article features the best yoga exercises for constipation with pictures. Keep reading to unveil them. 

Is yoga exercise good for constipation?

Practising exercises, particularly yoga exercises for constipation, can be great for gut health. There are several reasons why one must attempt yoga exercises to relieve constipation. Given below are some of them: 

  1. Yoga is a natural remedy that heals an individual without causing any side effects to the body. Contrary to this, treating constipation with medicines can, over time, deplete the natural flora of the intestine, which in turn can invite other digestion problems. 
  2. Yoga exercises are a stress-relieving therapy as they involve a lot of meditation and deep breathing techniques. This enables the body to respond to stressful events in a better way. Moreover, enhanced mood and a stress-free environment can contribute to improved digestion processes, which in turn, combats constipation.
  3. Yoga exercises for constipation are filled with twists, stretches, postures, and deep breaths that essentially work to increase the blood and oxygen flow to different parts of the body. This, in a way, offers a good massage to the digestive organs, making them work effectively. 
  4. Trying yoga for constipation is a good remedy over other medication or therapies. Moreover, the benefits of yoga exercise for constipation can be reaped efficiently provided an individual is aware of the yoga poses that work the best for this problem. 
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Which yoga exercises are best for constipation?

Digestive problems like constipation require an individual to make more physical endeavours to speed up the metabolism. Exercise for constipation in the form of yoga can be a promising means to fulfil the same. Have a look at the best yoga exercises for constipation with the pictures given below: 

Cobra Pose

  1. Cobra Pose, also known as Bhujangasana, is a good yoga for constipation that serves numerous health benefits. It works on the muscles of the chest, abdomen, and back. While performing this exercise for constipation, the abdominal area feels significant pressure, and the muscles get strengthened. 
  2. The digestive organs get stimulated, which results in the improvement of the digestive processes. Improved digestion, in turn, combats constipation along with regulating other functions of the body. 
  3. Out of the many exercises to relieve constipation, the cobra pose plays an integral role as it serves multiple health benefits, such as improved blood circulation, proper posture, quality sleep, reduced back pain, and so on. 


  1. Lie on the stomach with the feet spread hip distance apart and hands lying on either side with the palms placed near the ribs. 
  2. Toes should be extended and face the ground with the whole body stretched equally. 
  3. Press the palms slightly and lift the head and chest while taking a deep breath. Focus on raising the back in the backward direction, guiding the shoulders and not the chin. 
  4. Keep the arms straight with a little bend in the elbow for proper balance. If possible, try to form an arch with the back. Feel a slight curve in the spine area. 
  5. Hold the pose for about 4-5 breaths and repeat it 4-5 times in a single session. 

Supine Twist

Supine twist or supine spinal twist, also known as Supta Matsyendrasana, is another useful yoga exercise for constipation. It relieves constipation and other digestion-related problems, such as bloating. This asana serves to be a good yoga exercise for bowel movement as it helps improve the efficient movement of food, regularises waste excretion, and increases blood flow to the gut. 

Additionally, this yoga for constipation is also found to impart significant strength to the lower back and increase spinal flexibility to a great extent. 


  1. Begin with lying on the back, i.e., in the supine position. 
  2. Bend the knees with the soles of the feet facing the floor. Then stretch out the left leg and hold the right knee to bring it across the left leg.
  3. It is important to know that the knee should not be forced; instead, it should be draped gently over the left leg. Also,  the shoulders and the head should be kept straight while practising this pose. 
  4. Bring the right arm and leg to their initial place and perform the same stretch on the left leg. 
  5. Hold the position for about 4-5 breaths on each side of the body. 

Wind Relieving Pose

  1. Wind relieving pose, also known as Pawanmuktasana, is a beneficial yoga exercise for constipation and piles. As the name suggests, this asana helps in releasing gas. The anti-flatulent property of this exercise of constipation offers relief to the digestive tract, along with reducing the tendency of the stomach to bloat. 
  2. In order to seek maximum benefits from yoga, it's advised to practise this pose first in the morning before performing the other exercises to relieve constipation. Also, this pose provides a deep internal massage, working on the movement of the intestinal flatus, curing the cases of chronic constipation. 


  1. Lie on the back with a straight posture on the mat or the floor with the hands resting on either side of the body. 
  2. Ensure that the mind and body are relaxed and have sound control over breaths.  
  3. Inhale and bring the knees near the chest as if the legs are hugging the knees. 
  4. Hold the pose for about 1 or 2 minutes and release. 
  5. An alternative to this pose is holding one leg and extending the other. Remain in the pose for a minute or two, then switch the leg. 

Child's Pose

  1. Child's pose, also known as Balasana, is a forward bend pose that focuses on the body's respiration. This pose is considered as one of the best exercises for constipation. 
  2. It stimulates the digestive system and combat constipation. This asana is known for releasing tension from the pelvic region, muscles at the back, and spine. Also, it offers a good stretch to the spine and improves blood circulation. 
  3. The child's pose is a simple stretch, offering quick relaxation to the body within minutes of performing it. So, besides being just an exercise for constipation, this pose provides other health benefits too. 


  1. Begin with sitting straight on the heels with a stretched spine. Let the big toes touch each other while keeping the knees apart and the hips touching the heels. 
  2. Slowly bend forward and bow with the hands straight so that the chest rests on the top of the thighs. Let the forehead bend down towards the ground. 
  3. Broaden the upper back and relax the lower back. Keep the arms stretched while allowing the hands to press backward,  resting alongside the thighs, making the palms rest near the feet. 
  4. Breathe while staying in the pose for about a minute. Keep your eyes closed for a better experience or deep relaxation.  
  5. While releasing the pose, gently remove the hands first and then sit upright, back on the heels. 

Matsyasana Twist

  1. Matsyasana or Ardha matsyendrasana is a kind of seated twist, a well-known exercise for bowel movement. This yoga for constipation enables the body's detoxification and stimulates the digestive organs. 
  2. The movement in this yoga exercise for constipation creates twisting motions in the body, improving the bowel's regularity and efficient peristalsis of the small and large intestines. Hence, helping the gastrointestinal tract to remove the waste products effectively. 


  1. Begin with sitting on the floor or mat. Keep both legs straight. 
  2. Bend the knee of the left leg and place it over the right leg, crossing the thigh. Make sure that the sole of the left foot touches the ground. 
  3. Bend the knee of the right leg and draw the right foot near the hips. 
  4. Keep the right elbow near the left leg in a way that the body stays in the twisted position. Place the other hand on the ground such that the palms are placed near the butts towards slightly back. 
  5. Feel the elongation in the spine and hold the position for about 4-5 deep breaths. Now switch the legs and repeat. 

Bow Pose

  1. Bow pose, also known as Dhanurasana, is a potential yoga exercise to cure constipation. This pose offers an excellent stretch to the back and abdomen muscles. The bow pose gets its name from the shape it imparts to the body while posing. 
  2. This yoga for constipation gives considerable digestive organ strength. The stretch soothes constipation by aiding in the body's elimination process. Besides this, it also helps alleviate menstrual cramps, enhance the spine's flexibility, improve balance, and so on. Thus, to answer which exercise is best for constipation and overall health, the bow pose can top the list. 


  1. Lie on the stomach on the floor with feets placed hip distance apart. 
  2. Bend the legs in an upwards direction in a way that the soles face the head. 
  3. Stretch both hands behind on either side. Hold the ankles of the feet with hands, i.e.right ankle with the right hand and left ankle with the left hand. 
  4. While you do this, be aware of your breath, that is, inhale and lift the chest off the ground. With the help of the hand's grasp over the ankles, try to pull the feet in the air. 
  5. When the body is stretched in a bow shape, try to draw the chest and knees to the same level.  

Precautions to take while performing these asanas

Although yoga asanas are natural and safe, their limitations should be considered. Given below are some of the precautions that one must be aware of before or while practising the yoga exercises to relieve constipation: 

  1. People suffering from physical troubles such as neck or back injuries are not advised to perform these asanas. This is because it can exaggerate the ailment even more. Other medical conditions, such as pregnancy and high blood pressure, are also unsuitable for yoga practice. 
  2. Everyone has different thresholds, and thus an individual needs to know his or his stretching limits. Exceeding these limits is considered a violation of self, and thus the body will not support any positive change. 
  3. Menstruating women must avoid practising these yoga poses as yoga for constipation majorly involves the abdomen.  
  4. One must avoid eating anything before a yoga session. It is advised to wait at least 2 hours after eating to perform the asanas. However,  it is always better to practise yoga early in the morning on an empty stomach.  
  5. Avoid wearing spectacles, hair pins, jewellery, tight clothes, and other accessories while performing yoga. This is because the twists, inversion, or different yoga asana postures can cause an injury or other damage due to such accessories.


Yoga is a traditional practice that involves all senses of the body and can provide relief from constipation. Instead of targeting a single organ, this practice rejuvenates each body cell. This can be seen in the above-mentioned yoga exercises for constipation with pictures. Each asana featured here delivers several other health benefits too. 

After reading this write-up, you must have obtained adequate answers about how to exercise for constipation and which exercise is good for constipation. Most of the time, it is possible to ease constipation with yoga or other home remedies. However, when the symptoms stay for longer, it is better to seek the help of a medical practitioner. 

HexaHeath is one of the trusted sources you can rely on for relieving digestive problems or other health crises. Get in touch with us to experience the best of healthcare.

Suggested Reads:

  1. Home Remedies for Constipation
  2. Diet Plan for Constipation
  3. Ayurvedic Medicine for Constipation
  4. Acupressure Points for Constipation

Frequently Asked Questions

Many good exercises for constipation work on bowel movement and offer enhanced digestive system functioning. However, the best ones are those that pump more blood; some are cardio exercises, and yoga stretches such as bow poses, supine twists, cobra poses, etc. 

To get rid of constipation, you must try stretches that help in promoting bowel movement and improve digestion. Some of those yoga stretches are matsyasana twist, supine twist, child pose, etc.  

Several yoga exercises cure constipation, including bow pose, supine twist, child pose, cobra pose, etc. Combining these asanas with a healthy lifestyle is important to achieve the desired results.

Yes, a few pressure points on the forearm and wrist help relieve constipation. Applying gentle pressure to these points is employed in acupressure techniques for constipation. 

Sitting on the knees with the legs slightly raised from the ground or squatting helps ease the poop. This is because this position flexes the hips and stimulates the bowel to get empty without straining the rectal muscles.

It is generally advised to apply gentle pressure or massage on the abdominal region to stimulate bowel movement. Also, you can consider the application of lubricants in the anus to ease the passage of stools. 

To relieve constipation, gently rub between the big and the 2nd toe. Apply slight pressure with your thumb at this point and massage in circular motions. 

The fastest way to alleviate constipation is to take medications such as laxatives that ease the excretion process of the body. However, overuse of these medicines can cause potential harm to the body in the long run.

Drinking plenty of water,  lukewarm water, fresh fruit juices, fibre-rich food, eatables with probiotics such as dairy products, and regular exercise can stimulate bowel movement significantly. 

The simplest trick to empty your bowel in the morning is to drink at least 2-3 glasses of water first thing in the morning after waking up. This will hydrate the body and work as a detoxifying agent that easily flushes off excretory products. 

Laxatives or lubricants, stimulants, fibre-rich supplements, or probiotic supplements can stand as some of the best treatments to try for curing constipation in adults. These methods can efficiently promote bowel movement, add bulk to the stools, ease the passage of stool through the GI tract, and improve digestion.

To poop early in the morning, you must drink a glass of lukewarm water followed by a breakfast of fibre-rich food along with laxatives such as tea or coffee. This will soothe the process of excretion, and over time, your body will adapt to it. 

Exercise is a good pick for treating constipation as it speeds up the overall processes of the body. This eventually promotes bowel movement and metabolic rate and relieves digestion-related problems. 

Sitting in the lower squat position with the knees higher than the hips is one of the good toilet positions to relieve constipation. You must lean a little forward, placing your elbows over the knees and gently bulging your stomach. 

To get rid of constipation, you must consider exercising after an hour or 2 hours of consuming a big meal. This is because the flow of blood increases to the digestive organs after eating, which aids in relieving constipation. 

Last Updated on: 17 January 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


Charu Shrivastava

Charu Shrivastava

BSc. Biotechnology I MDU and MSc in Medical Biochemistry (HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard)

2 Years Experience

Skilled in SEO and passionate about creating informative and engaging medical content. Her proofreading and content writing for medical websites is impressive. She creates informative and engaging content that educ...View More

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