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What are the Signs of Infertility After Abortion?

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Arti Sharma
Written by Charu Shrivastava, last updated on 9 February 2024| min read
What are the Signs of Infertility After Abortion?

Quick Summary

  • Abortion is a medical procedure that terminates a pregnancy. It is considered safe if performed by a licensed medical practitioner.
  • While abortion may not directly cause infertility, other factors may increase the risk of infertility in women who have had the procedure. These factors include sexually transmitted infections, endometriosis, or pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • It is important to note that infertility can be caused by various factors, such as age, genetics, lifestyle choices, and medical conditions.

Terminating a pregnancy is a medical procedure referred to as abortion. Many people tend to witness signs of infertility after abortion. It is a common procedure and is considered safe if performed by a licensed medical practitioner. While abortion may not directly cause infertility, other factors may increase the risk of infertility in women who have had the procedure. These factors include sexually transmitted infections, endometriosis, or pelvic inflammatory disease, which might result in infertility.    

It is essential to note that infertility can be caused by various factors, such as age, genetics, lifestyle choices, and medical conditions. Women often wonder - how many abortions can you have before you become infertile? While abortion may pose some risks, the vast majority of women who have had an abortion do not experience long-term effects on their fertility. Other factors, such as age and medical conditions, are more likely to contribute to infertility in women.

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How Many Abortions Can One Have Before Becoming Infertile?

The number of abortions a woman can have before becoming infertile is difficult to determine because it depends on various factors. In general, having one or two abortions is unlikely to cause long-term fertility problems in most women. However, repeated abortions can increase the risk of fertility problems.

The risk of observing evident signs of infertility after abortion depends on several factors, including the age of the woman, the method used for the procedure, and the presence of any underlying medical conditions.

In general, the risk of infertility after an abortion is low, and most women can conceive and carry a pregnancy to term without complications.

Women who have had multiple abortions may also be at a higher risk of developing the pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can cause inflammation and damage to the reproductive organs, leading to infertility.

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How Can Abortions Impact Fertility?

“The data tells us there is no link between abortion and future fertility when abortion is safe. Only abortions that are associated with complications could potentially impact future fertility,” says Dr. Jen Gunter in the New York Times. “Medical complications that might lead to difficulties getting pregnant in the future include uterine injury from the procedure, infection and serious bleeding that requires surgery.”

There is a common belief that abortion can impact fertility, but scientific evidence shows that this is not always the case. In general, long-term signs of infertility after abortion are not evident, but some factors can increase the risk of fertility problems in women who have had the procedure.

  1. Uterus Damage: One of the main ways that abortion can impact fertility is by causing damage to the uterus or cervix during the procedure.
    If the procedure is not performed correctly, it can cause scarring or damage to the reproductive organs, which can further lead to complications such as infertility, ectopic pregnancy, or miscarriage.
  2. Infections: Another way that abortion can impact fertility is by increasing the risk of infection. Infections can cause inflammation of the reproductive organs, giving rise to scarring or damage to the fallopian tubes or uterus, resulting in signs of infertility after abortion.
  3. Multiple Abortions: Women who have had multiple abortions may also be at a higher risk of fertility problems. Repeated abortions can cause damage to the cervix, leading to a weakened cervix, which can increase the risk of premature delivery or miscarriage in subsequent pregnancies.
    It is essential to note that these risks are relatively rare, and most women who have had an abortion do not experience any long-term effects on their fertility.
    In general, the risk of infertility after an abortion is low, and most women are able to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term without complications.

Factors That Affect The Risk of Infertility After Abortion

Abortion helps end a pregnancy by removing the foetus and placenta from the uterus. While the procedure is generally safe, there are some factors that can increase the risk of infertility after an abortion. Here are some of the factors that can lead to visible signs of infertility after abortion:

  1. The Type of Abortion: Medical and surgical are the two primary categories of abortion procedures. Medical abortion involves taking medication to induce a miscarriage, while surgical abortion involves removing the foetus and placenta through the cervix.
    Surgical abortion carries a slightly higher risk of infertility because it can cause scarring or damage to the uterus.
  2. Gestational Age: The risk of infertility after an abortion increases as the gestational age of the pregnancy increases. The risk is highest for abortions performed after 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  3. Complications During the Abortion: Complications during the abortion procedure, such as infection or injury to the reproductive organs, can increase the risk of infertility.
  4. Underlying Reproductive Conditions: Women who have underlying reproductive conditions, such as endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), may be at higher risk of infertility after an abortion.
  5. Age: Age can also play a role in the risk of infertility after an abortion. Women who are older may be at higher risk due to decreased ovarian reserve and other age-related factors.

It's important to note that while these factors can increase the risk of infertility after an abortion, the overall risk is still relatively low. Most women who have an abortion are still able to get pregnant and have a smooth pregnancy after some time. 

Signs of Infertility After Abortion

An abortion, whether it is a surgical or medical procedure, can have an impact on a person's fertility. The effects of abortion on fertility can depend on various factors such as the type of procedure, the stage of pregnancy, the individual's age, and medical history.

Here are some signs of infertility that may occur after an abortion:

  1. After an abortion, it is common to experience changes in the menstrual cycle. A person may experience irregular periods, heavier or lighter bleeding, or spotting between periods.
  2. Pelvic pain or cramping may occur after an abortion, especially if there were complications during the procedure.
  3. If an infection occurs during or after an abortion, it can lead to scarring and damage to the reproductive organs, which can affect fertility. Signs of infection may include fever, abdominal pain, and foul-smelling discharge.
  4. Hormonal imbalances can occur after an abortion, which can affect ovulation and fertility.
  5. Scar tissue can form after an abortion, which can block the fallopian tubes and prevent the egg from travelling to the uterus for fertilisation.

It is essential to note that some of these signs may occur due to other factors and do not necessarily indicate infertility. If you are concerned about your fertility after an abortion, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider.

Wrapping Up

Abortion, particularly surgical abortion, can somewhat affect fertility, but the impact is generally minimal. Complications during the procedure, such as damage to the cervix or uterus, can increase the signs of infertility after abortion, but these complications are rare. In most cases, the uterus will heal completely after an abortion, and the woman's fertility will not be affected.

It is best to consult with a seasoned team of experts like us at HexaHealth and get effective guidance on the best path forward. Our professionals have rich experience in helping patients get seamless conception after dealing with many complications in the past. We hold your hand from the start and walk through the entire process till the end. Speak to us today and learn more!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Signs of infertility after abortion may include persistent pelvic pain, abnormal menstrual cycles, and difficulty getting pregnant. While most women tend to conceive even after having an abortion, you should speak to your doctor to better understand the situation.
In most cases, having an abortion does not affect future fertility, but there is a slight risk of complications during the procedure that can increase the risk of infertility. This is also dependent on the type of abortion to opt for and the current health of your reproductive system.
Having a miscarriage does not affect future fertility, but some underlying medical conditions that can cause recurrent miscarriages may also affect fertility. It is best to consult with your doctor and know how your miscarriage impacts your fertility.
There is no set number of abortions that will lead to infertility, as the risk is dependent on factors such as the type of abortion, gestational age, and underlying medical conditions.
The chances of infertility after using the abortion pill are low, but there is still a small risk of complications that could affect future fertility. It's important to discuss any concerns with a healthcare provider and understand the best line of treatment henceforth.
Abortion does not directly cause blocked fallopian tubes. However, complications during the procedure, such as infection or injury, could lead to scarring or damage that could block the tubes.
There are no problems with conceiving after an abortion. However, women who have underlying fertility issues may experience difficulty getting pregnant.
After an abortion, the chances of pregnancy may be temporarily reduced due to hormonal changes and the healing of the uterus. However, this is usually a temporary effect, and fertility should return to normal within a few months.
The type of abortion can affect the chances of pregnancy, with surgical abortion carrying a slightly higher risk of complications that could affect future fertility. Your reproductive health and age also tend to impact your chances of getting pregnant.
Risks of abortion can include bleeding, infection, damage to reproductive organs, and emotional distress. However, serious complications are rare, and the procedure is generally considered safe.
The outlook for fertility following an abortion is generally positive. While there is a slight risk of complications that could affect future fertility, most women are still able to conceive and carry a pregnancy to term in the future.
Minimising the risk of infertility after abortion pills involves following the medication instructions carefully, seeking medical attention if any complications arise, and discussing any concerns with a doctor.

The risk of pregnancy complications after abortion can be reduced by following aftercare instructions carefully, avoiding sex and using contraception as recommended, and seeking medical attention if any problems arise.

You must also pay attention to your health and maintain a healthy weight to prevent complications.

There are no guaranteed natural ways to improve fertility after multiple abortions, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle and seeking medical advice can help optimise chances for a healthy pregnancy. Reducing your overall stress is also effective in increasing your chances of getting pregnant.
It is generally recommended to wait for at least one menstrual cycle after an abortion before attempting to conceive, giving the uterus time to heal. However, some women may be able to conceive sooner.
Getting pregnant after an abortion involves monitoring ovulation, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and seeking medical advice if any underlying fertility issues are present. There can be certain complications in the beginning, but they are likely to subsidise after the right medical assistance.
Pregnancy tests are usually accurate two to four weeks after an abortion. However, hormone levels can vary, and it's important to discuss timing with a doctor to understand the exact situation.
Caring for oneself after an abortion involves resting, avoiding strenuous activities and sex, monitoring for any complications, taking medications as prescribed, and seeking medical attention if necessary.


All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Our medical reviewers also check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

  1. Can having an abortion affect my fertility?link
  2. Could an elective abortion increase the risk of problems in a subsequent pregnancy?link
  3. Can Abortion Cause Infertility?link

Last Updated on: 9 February 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Arti Sharma

Dr. Arti Sharma

MBBS, DNB Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Diploma In Cosmetic Gynaecology

9 Years Experience

Dr Arti Sharma is a well-known Obstetrician and Cosmetic Gynaecologist currently associated with Aesthetica Veda in Bengaluru. She has 9 years of experience in Obstetrics and Cosmetic Gynaecology and worked as an expert Obstetrician...View More


Charu Shrivastava

Charu Shrivastava

BSc. Biotechnology I MDU and MSc in Medical Biochemistry (HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard)

2 Years Experience

Skilled in SEO and passionate about creating informative and engaging medical content. Her proofreading and content writing for medical websites is impressive. She creates informative and engaging content that educ...View More

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