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Red eyes

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Hexahealth Care Team, last updated on 24 November 2023| min read
Red eyes

Quick Summary

  • Red eye is a common condition that may impact one or both eyes
  • It is caused when blood vessels on the surface of your white eye dilate as a result of irritation or infection
  • It is an indication of various health issues
  • Some of these problems could be minor, while others are significant and necessitate immediate medical attention

Red eye is a common condition that may impact one or both eyes. This condition is also known as bloodshot eyes. The redness of the red-eye is caused when blood vessels on the surface of your white eye dilate as a result of irritation or infection. It is an indication of various health issues. Some of these problems could be minor, while others are significant and necessitate immediate medical attention. The reddened eye is a serious concern if it's affecting your vision.

Red-eye condition is usually benign and self-healing. However, the treatment is highly recommended in serious conditions, as it may lead to a severe impact. 

Signs and Symptoms 

The reddened eyes may or may not be associated with any other signs. The usually observed signs in the eyes include- 

  1. Itching 
  2. Irritation 
  3. Burning sensation  
  4. Dryness 
  5. Swelling  
  6. Pain  
  7. Unusual discharge 
  8. Watery eyes 
  9. Blurred vision 
  10. Light sensitivity 


As the red-eye is a common symptom of many health conditions, there is also a possibility of other associated causative factors such as- 

  1. Complications or overuse of contact lenses 
  2. Any eye surgery complication 
  3. Side-effect or complication of eye drop 
  4. Injury in the eyes 
  5. Allergies  
  6. Eye trauma  
  7. Broken blood vessels 
  8. Environmental causes such as 
    1. Air pollution 
    2. Air allergens 
    3. Dust  
    4. Chemical eg. Chlorine in the swimming pool 
    5. Overexposure to sunlight 
  9. Dry eyes
    1. Medications
      1. Acne Medicine
      2. Antidepressants, Parkinson's Medications, and Sleeping Pills
      3. Antihistamines
      4. Blood Pressure Medicines
      5. Birth Control Pills and Other Hormones
    2. Medical Conditions
      1. Rheumatoid Arthritis
      2. Sjögren's syndrome
  10. Skin Problems 
    1. Ocular Rosacea
    2. Inflamed Eyelid (Blepharitis)
    3. Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
    4. Shingles (Herpes Zoster)
    5. Orbital Cellulitis
  11. Pink eye (Conjunctivitis)
    1. Viruses
    2. Bacteria
    3. Fungi, amoebas, and parasites
    4. Allergies
    5. A chemical splash in the eye
    6. A foreign object in the eye
    7. A blocked or incompletely opened tear duct in babies
  12. Various other eye conditions, e.g.- 
    1. Glaucoma 
    2. Scleritis
    3. Iritis
    4. Keratitis 
    5. Subconjunctival haemorrhage 
    6. Uveitis 
    7. Inflammation of the eyelid 
    8. Corneal ulcers 
  13. Lifestyle factors, such as 
    1. Smoking
    2. Consuming alcohol 
    3. Excessive use of electronic gadgets- mobiles/television/laptops 
    4. Insufficient sleep 

When to Consult a Doctor?

Generally, the red-eye condition is minor, self-healing, and does not leave any huge impact on the individual. However, it is also an indication of any serious eye problems you might have and therefore, an immediate visit to a doctor is highly recommended.  

The signs indicating the time to visit a doctor are: 

  1. Persistent pain 
  2. Itching 
  3. Irritation 
  4. Swelling  
  5. Unable to open/close the eyes 
  6. Injury in the eye
  7. If the eyes come in contact with any chemical/ foreign material
  8. Unusual discharge 

Delaying the diagnosis and treatment of red eyes might lead to vision loss in severe cases such as age-related macular degeneration, cataract, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. Therefore, you must not take the red-eye casually.


If you have red eyes, the doctor will initially conduct a physical examination of the eye. The doctor will review your past medical records as well.

To identify the root cause of this condition, the doctor will search for any other symptoms accompanying the red eyes. 

To ensure the causative factor, the doctor will also ask you about any prior surgeries, allergies, any medicines you might be having and your lifestyle. 

Other investigative methods employed for diagnosing the disease are: 

  1. Conduction of visual acuity of both the eyes separately 
  2. Extraocular movements 
  3. Penlight examination: This test examines pupil reactivity, pupil shape, corneal opacity, and discharge. 
  4. Tonometry: It is an examination to measure the intraocular pressure, i.e., pressure in the eyes. 
  5. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging: It is performed to measure the thickness of the choroid/retina to examine the inflammation. 
  6. Ophthalmoscopy/fundoscopy- In this, the pupils are dilated, and with the help of bright light the doctor examines the posterior region of the eyes.
  7. Fluorescein angiography or indocyanine green angiography: It is a procedure to examine the blood vessels present in the posterior region of the eye.  
  8. Gonioscopy: It is a procedure to examine the exterior region of the eye.  
  9. Colour photography of the retina 
  10. Blood tests  
  11. Analysis of aqueous and vitreous fluids  
  12. Imaging tests such as MRI, CT scan and radiography. 
  13. Although rare, slit lamp investigation is also conducted in a few cases.


In most cases, the red-eyes are easily curable, and with accurate and timely treatment, it does not even cause any permanent damage to the eyes. However, it might be a severe condition if it occurs frequently and lasts for a long period. 

The usual first line of treatment for red eyes followed by the doctor includes: 

  1. Eye drops:  
    1. These are also known as artificial tears and might ease any sense of discomfort. 
    2. However, the eye drops sold over-the-counter can make the situation worse.  
    3. Your eyes may rely on the drops and become even redder once the effect wears off. They can also dry up your eyes and mask health-related symptoms. 
  2. Antibiotics: These are recommended if the causative factor is a bacterial infection. 
  3. Oral medications
  4. Creams/ointments  

The mode of treatment is also highly dependent upon the cause of the red-eye. For instance, if the red-eye is caused due to any underlying eye condition, the doctor might focus on treating the disease.  A few of the treatments for specific causes are as follows: 

  1. Allergic causes: To treat red eyes caused by allergies, the doctor suggests: 
    1. To avoid the allergen, if known. 
    2. Using eye drops 
    3. Artificial tear drops remove irritants from the eye while also providing moisture to treat dry, irritated eyes. Eye Drops with decongestants and antihistamines are widely preferred for the treatment as they reduce both redness and itchiness of the eyes. 
  2. Blepharitis: In this condition, your doctor recommends: 
    1. Keeping the eyelids clean.
    2. To ease symptoms, wet a washcloth with warm water, drain off the excess water, and hold it to the closed eyelid(s) for a few seconds. 
    3. Cleaning the eyelid with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of water and baby shampoo will also help.  
    4. Since the problem does not usually go away completely once it develops, it is critical to clean the eyelids regularly.  
    5. Antibiotics or steroid eye drops may be prescribed by the eye doctor in some circumstances. 
  3. Bacterial/viral or conjunctivitis: Your doctor will suggest the following for the treatment of these specific conditions- 
    1. For a few minutes, close your eyes and place a warm, damp washcloth over it. In case the eyelashes or eyelids are stuck together, this will loosen any hardened mucus. 
    2. To prevent the infection from spreading, the use of a clean washcloth every time is highly recommended. 
    3. Use a separate washcloth for each eye if you have pink eyes in both eyes. 
    4. Using eye drops can also help in curing the condition. 

Your doctor will also recommend: 

  1. Regular washing of eyes with cold water 
  2. Avoid rubbing the eyes 
  3. Avoid straining your eyes 
  4. Avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol 
  5. Take breaks while using electronic gadgets. 
  6. Keeping the contact lenses clean 
  7. Proper removal of eye makeup 
  8. Regular eye checkups


Redness in the eye is a commonly observed symptom that might impact either a single or both eyes. It might be an indication of any serious underlying disease or infection and therefore, the treatment must not be ignored. Hexahealth is the first step towards the right treatment and care. We help you to connect with the top doctors and surgeons from the most trusted hospitals at affordable prices to make your healing and recovery process as relaxing as possible. From our nationwide network, we offer you the greatest and most suitable healthcare and surgical guide for the proper treatment. You are just a phone call away from the correct health care service that you require.


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Last Updated on: 24 November 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


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