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Physiotherapy for Shoulder Pain - Top Exercises to Relieve Pain

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Rajath R Prabhu, last updated on 7 November 2022| min read
Physiotherapy for Shoulder Pain - Top Exercises to Relieve Pain

Quick Summary

  • Shoulder pain is often underestimated and is thought of as minor pain that would probably settle on its own.
  • When shoulder pain persists to a point where it hampers with everyday activities, it's time to get it diagnosed.
  • In some instances, the shoulder pain is so severe that alongside medications, the patient is required to get physiotherapy for shoulder pain done.
Shoulder pain is often underestimated and is thought of as minor pain that would probably settle on its own. This might be true in cases like shoulder pain due to strain or an injury. But when the shoulder pain persists to a point where it hampers with everyday activities, it's time to get it diagnosed.
Where shoulder pain might seem normal to some people, in certain patients, it goes beyond the level of tolerance. In some instances, the shoulder pain is so severe that alongside medications, the patient is required to get physiotherapy for shoulder pain done.
This blog will cover everything you need to know about physiotherapy for shoulder pain.

Causes of Shoulder Pain

There are various causes of shoulder pain. While some can be treated with the help of home remedies and over-the-counter (OTC) medications, others may require additional treatment, like physiotherapy for shoulder pain.
The various causes that might be contributing to shoulder pain include:
  1. Shoulder injury
  2. Fracture or dislocation
  3. Torn cartilage
  4. Rotator cuff tear
  5. Bursitis
  6. Frozen shoulder
  7. Shoulder tendinitis
  8. Osteoarthritis
  9. Rheumatoid arthritis
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Role of Physiotherapy in Shoulder Pain

There are various treatment approaches to deal with shoulder pain: 
  1. While medications help reduce inflammation and pain management, physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain are equally vital. 
  2. Physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain work by strengthening the muscles that make up the shoulder joint. Due to this, the workload and pressure on the shoulder joint are reduced, leading to relief from shoulder pain.
  3. These exercises also help mobilise the shoulder joint and increase its range of motion, which is essential when trying to relieve shoulder pain.

Benefits of Physiotherapy in Shoulder Pain

Physiotherapy for shoulder pain is no less than a blessing, especially for a patient with a shoulder condition like a frozen shoulder that takes a few years to heal or a condition like arthritis with no cure. There are various benefits of physiotherapy for shoulder pain. Some of these include:
  1.  Physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain can help in improving shoulder movements.
  2.  In certain conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, physiotherapy can help improve strength.
  3.  Physiotherapy for shoulder pain can help in quick recovery in case of injuries.
  4.  Physiotherapy can help speed up healing for a condition like a frozen shoulder. 
  5. Physiotherapy may also help in managing the pain better.
  6. Regular physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain may also help eliminate the need to take pain medicines again and again.

Physiotherapy Exercises for Shoulder Pain

Physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain can help not only in pain management but also in improving mobility, strength, and flexibility. The top 10 physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain are:

Stretch Across the Chest 

This exercise aids in improving flexibility and movement. Stretch across the chest exercise benefits the shoulder joint and the surrounding muscles. In case of pain, it is advised to lower the hand.
  1. To perform this exercise, begin by standing straight with the correct posture. 
  2. Now, gently lift the right arm and bring it across the chest. 
  3. To support the right arm, use the left arm.
  4. Now, hold and maintain this state for about a minute and release. 
  5. Repeat the steps mentioned above for the left arm. 
  6. This exercise must be repeated a couple of times more for each arm. 

Finger Walk Exercise 

This physiotherapy exercise for shoulder pain works the rotator cuff muscles and shoulder joints. It helps relieve rotator cuff tendinitis and frozen shoulder.

  1. To perform this exercise, begin by standing straight with the correct posture in front of a wall or a cupboard.  
  2. Ensure to keep some distance from the wall.
  3. Now, gently start the exercise by stretching out the arm that hurts to touch the wall. 
  4. Once in contact with the wall, start moving the fingers up on the wall. Try to reach as far as possible while ensuring not to go beyond your comfort level. 
  5. Once the fingers reach the desired height, start moving the fingers back to reach down. 
  6. After walking the fingers backwards and reaching down, gently lower the arm. Seek support, on the other hand, if required. 
  7. It can be repeated a few more times throughout the day.
  8. In this exercise, the entire work is done by the fingers, not the shoulder muscles.

The Pendulum Exercise

This physiotherapy exercise for shoulder pain works well for a frozen shoulder. The pendulum stretch works the four muscles surrounding the shoulder joint: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor.

  1. To perform this exercise, start by leaning over a table or chair while seeking support from the unaffected arm.
  2. The arm that hurts is to be left dangling.
  3. Once a comfortable position is attained, start making circles with the arm dangling. 
  4. Go clockwise for the first few repetitions, and then do the same anti-clockwise. 
  5. As a beginner, go slowly and gently while making small circles.

The Towel Stretch

This exercise works well for frozen shoulder and rotator cuff tendinitis. It helps the shoulder joint and rotator cuff muscles regain their proper motion post-injury.  

  1. To perform this exercise, start by taking a towel and holding it behind the back.
  2. Hold one end of the towel at the back of your head keeping the unaffected arm at the top with the elbow pointing outwards. 
  3. Hold the other end of the towel hanging below, with the arm that hurts. 
  4. Now, using the unaffected arm, gently pull the arm that hurts upwards towards the lower back. 
  5. Hold, and repeat this exercise a few times daily.

Leaning on the Door Stretch 

This physiotherapy exercise for shoulder pain is beneficial in enhancing strength and motion range in a patient having arthritis. It helps open up the pectoralis muscles in the chest and improves shoulder motion range.

  1. To perform this exercise, begin by placing both hands above the head on the door's frame. 
  2. Now, lean towards the door by supporting the body with the shoulder to maintain balance.
  3. A stretch in the shoulder will be felt. 
  4. Maintain the position and hold for a few counts or seconds.

Arm Stretches (Standing+lying down)

This physiotherapy exercise for shoulder pain loosens tension from the neck muscles. It can be performed while standing and lying down. 

  1. Arm stretches while standing 
  2. Start by placing both your palms firmly behind the neck to perform this exercise while standing. Ensure the elbows are pointed outwards.
  3. Now hold this for a few seconds. 
  4. Next, gently lower your hands and place your palms behind your back, with elbows pointing outwards. Hold for a few seconds and repeat both of the movements alternatively.

Arm Stretches while Lying Down

  1. To perform this exercise, begin by lying down in a comfortable position on a yoga mat.
  2. Now gently lift your hands above your head. Ensure your palms are facing each other. Maintain the position for a few seconds, and repeat it twice. 

The Shoulder Stretch

This physiotherapy exercise for shoulder pain helps deal with various shoulder problems. It targets the shoulder joint and muscles. 

  1. To do this exercise, protrude your chest and pull your shoulder blades backwards, squeezing the shoulders gently. Hold this for a few seconds.
  2. Once done, move your shoulder blades downwards and hold again for a few seconds.
  3.  Repeat this exercise a couple of times more.

The Table Slides Exercise

  1. To do this exercise, begin by sitting upright on a chair. Keep a hip-width distance between the feet. The feet are to be flat on the floor.
  2.  Keep the palm on the table with elbows bent. This exercise can be done by keeping a cloth in front and resting the palms on it.
  3.  Once the position is taken, gently glide the cloth forward while keeping the back straight and bending from the waist. 
  4. Take both hands as far as possible. Then gently drop the head forward and maintain the position for about 5 seconds. Gently slide back and repeat this exercise a few more times.
  5. If this position is uncomfortable, keep the palms facing each other, flat on the table.
  6. You can perform this physiotherapy exercise for shoulder pain while sitting or standing.

Shoulder Roll Exercise

  1. This physiotherapy exercise for shoulder pain helps improve the pain symptoms associated with osteoarthritis. Shoulder rolls help loosen the tight muscles in the shoulders, neck and upper back. 
  2. To perform this physiotherapy exercise for shoulder pain, gently rolling the shoulders forward and backward is required while sitting or standing. 

The Assisted Arm Raises Exercise 

This physiotherapy exercise for shoulder pain is excellent for the pain management of osteoarthritis. This exercise helps the shoulder joint. 

  1. To begin this exercise, gently lie on the bed or a yoga mat. 
  2. Ensure the elbows are bent.
  3. Now gently raise the arm that hurts by seeking support from another arm. 
  4. It can also be done without seeking assistance from the unaffected arm.

Things to Remember for Physiotherapy Exercises for Shoulder Pain

There are certain essential things to keep in mind while doing physiotherapy for shoulder pain like: 
  1. Before starting physiotherapy for shoulder pain, it is better to seek professional guidance from a physiotherapist.
  2.  As a beginner in exercising, and performing physiotherapy for shoulder pain for the first time, remember not to over-strain. Start slowly and gradually.
  3. While performing physiotherapy, ensure drinking enough water.
  4. Before beginning with the physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain, it is essential to warm up. Mild aerobic exercises or walking should be enough to warm up, starting with physiotherapy. 
  5. Physiotherapy for shoulder pain takes time to work. Hence, being patient and consistent while doing these exercises is essential.
  6. Please stop doing physiotherapy exercises if you experience a lot of pain or discomfort.
  7. If the pain persists or worsens even after doing physiotherapy for shoulder pain for a long time, consult a healthcare provider.

Lifestyle Changes for Shoulder Pain

Apart from physiotherapy for shoulder pain, a few lifestyle changes can help improve movements and pain management and speed up healing and recovery. These lifestyle changes include:
  1. While getting physiotherapy for shoulder pain, ensure adequate rest, as resting aids in better healing.
  2. Stay hydrated while doing physiotherapy for shoulder pain. Keep sipping on water throughout the day.
  3.  Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.
  4.  Add foods rich in anti-inflammatories like turmeric and ginger to your diet, as these foods help reduce pain. 
  5. Try maintaining a proper posture throughout the day and ensure sleeping in the correct position.


While physiotherapy for shoulder pain is a great way of attending to it, it is also essential to remember that it cannot produce results overnight. Gradual and consistent physiotherapy for shoulder pain is to be done to improve the shoulder condition.
Besides physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain and home remedies like cold or hot compression, warm baths and massages can also help relieve the pain quickly. Where physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain are incredibly beneficial, so does it using the correct form.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, physiotherapy for shoulder pain is really good and effective. For example, physiotherapy aids in relieving pain, improving flexibility, adding more strength, or boosting the healing process, in case of conditions like arthritis, injuries, frozen shoulder etc. 
Physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain are the best as they help heal, improve mobility and provide strength. Along with physiotherapy, home remedies and certain prescribed or OTC medications can help better pain management and quick healing.
Some good physical therapy or physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain include:
  1. Stretch across the chest
  2. Pendulum stretch
  3.  Finger walk
  4. Towel stretch
  5. Neck release
  6. Leaning door stretch
  7. Shoulder stretch
  8. Table slide
  9. Shoulder roll
  10. Assisted arm raise
During the session for Physio for the shoulder, the physiotherapist examines the patient's shoulder condition. The physiotherapist might also advise the patient physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain to see better results.
Physical therapy or physiotherapy for shoulder pain is to be done depending on the condition causing the pain. For example, in the case of a frozen shoulder, assisted physiotherapy may be given one to three times for about one to six weeks . In some instances, the time taken may depend on the exercise prescribed. For example, in rheumatoid arthritis, physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain, like range-of-motion exercises, can be done daily, strengthening exercises can be done two to three days a week etc. 
Various physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain can be done at home. However, it is better to seek assistance from a physiotherapist if you are a beginner. It is also essential to go slow and easy on yourself and use the correct formations, as doing exercises using the wrong form can worsen the pain.
You can stop physical therapy or physiotherapy for shoulder pain after your doctor asks you or after your shoulder heals and feels better. For example, physiotherapy one to three times for about one to six weeks should be good for you if you have a frozen shoulder. (12) For arthritis, mild physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain at home must be continued even if you no longer visit a physiotherapist.
Shoulder rehab or physiotherapy for shoulder pain can be done every day only if it has been recommended to you by your doctor, depending on the condition. For example, in the case of arthritis, a physiotherapist may prescribe you an exercise routine, like range-of-motion exercises, which can be done daily. He can also prescribe strengthening exercises, which are to be done twice or thrice a week
If you are experiencing shoulder pain, then avoid sleeping on your stomach. Try sleeping on your back instead. You can also buy comfortable neck pillows and mattresses and use them to align your neck, head properly, and spine to prevent more shoulder pain.
If you are doing your physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain correctly and getting proper assistance from a physiotherapist, you will notice an improvement in your condition. You will see less pain, less swelling, or an improvement in shoulder flexibility, movement, strength, etc., indicating that physical therapy is working. However, it is vital to remember that the time taken for physical therapy to work depends upon the condition causing shoulder pain. 
Depending upon the cause behind the shoulder pain and the patient's overall health, the number of times a week to get physical therapy or physiotherapy for shoulder pain differs. Your doctor will tell you how often you need physical therapy in a week, depending on your shoulder condition.
Physical exercises or physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain can be done every day only if it is recommended to you by your doctor. For example, if you have arthritis, you can do mild exercises daily for better pain management, apart from assisted physiotherapy exercises for shoulder pain. A strengthening exercise routine can be followed two to three times a week. 
Yes, physiotherapy exercises are good for neck and shoulder pain. Physiotherapy exercises can help reduce and manage neck and shoulder pain that might have been caused by a particular incident like a soft tissue injury, whiplash, or simply a bad posture or sleeping position . Before trying any exercise routine, it is better to seek professional assistance from a physiotherapist if you don’t know what is causing neck and shoulder pain. 
Yes, Physio can help in treating rotator cuff pain. Physiotherapy for shoulder pain can be used as an initial treatment approach for pain in the rotator cuff. It will enhance the function of the muscles around the shoulder and strengthen them to improve the functioning of the shoulder joint.
It takes about 2-4 weeks to recover from shoulder tendonitis at minimum, whereas in the case of severe cases, it might also take a few months. Physiotherapy for shoulder pain can help in speeding up the recovery process. 


Last Updated on: 7 November 2022

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


Rajath R Prabhu

Rajath R Prabhu

MSc. Clinical Research I PG Diploma in Public Health Services Management

3 Years Experience

His work in medical content writing and proofreading is noteworthy. He has also contributed immensely to public health research and has authored four scientific manuscripts in international journals. He was assoc...View More

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