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Home Remedies for Knee Pain Relief - Instant Natural Solutions

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Hexahealth Care Team, last updated on 26 September 2023| min read
Home Remedies for Knee Pain Relief - Instant Natural Solutions

Quick Summary

  • Knee pain is a common problem that can affect people of all ages.
  • There are many effective home remedies for knee pain, including ice packs, heat therapy, massage, and stretching.
  • If you are experiencing knee pain, it is important to see a doctor to rule out any serious underlying conditions.

Knee Pain is a common problem that many of us turn a blind eye to. People in all age groups can experience knee pain. Earlier, it was believed that the condition was limited to the elderly. However, the sedentary lifestyle followed today has made it a common complaint in the younger generation as well. 

Apart from stiffness, swelling, and pain, continuing knee pain can eventually inhibit mobility. Therefore, one must always opt for knee pain treatment in its initial stage. While physiotherapy is an effective treatment option, there are also certain home remedies for knee pain to eliminate symptoms quickly. 

So if you are experiencing knee pain that has made it difficult for you to walk or climb stairs, read the following blog to learn ten effective home remedies for knee joint pain. 

Role of Home Remedies on Knee Pain

The role of home remedies for knee pain include:

  1. They are simple measures for knee pain symptom management. 
  2. They include raw materials that naturally help your knee heal.
  3. They help support a healthy and active lifestyle. 
  4. The ingredients in these home remedies have been used for hundreds of years, making them reliable.
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Benefits of Home Remedies on Knee Pain

The benefits of home remedies for knee pain include:

  1. They are milder than counter drugs.
  2. They have no side effects.
  3. They are cheaper, safer, and more effective. 
  4. They help cure and heal knee pain from its roots. 

Home Remedies for Knee Pain

Mild to moderate knee pain caused by arthritis, inflammation, or a minor injury can often be treated at home. While the treatment of the pain depends on its cause to some extent, the following simple home remedies can ease many forms of knee pain. 


  1. RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) is the fastest treatment for mild knee pain caused by a soft tissue injury, such as twisting your leg or spraining your knee. 
    1. Rest can give tissues time to heal and reduce the risk of further injury. 
    2. Caution: Do not ignore movement completely, as it can cause stiffness and muscle weakness. 
  2. Ice helps reduce inflammation and swelling.
    1. Apply a bag of ice or cold compress for 20 minutes several times on the day of injury. You can also use frozen vegetables like peas if you do not have ice. 
    2. Caution: Do not put ice directly on the skin to avoid further damage. 
  3. Compression with a knee support can prevent swelling. The compression bandage should be wrapped around the knee firmly. 
    1. Caution: Do not wrap the compression bandage so tightly that it cuts blood circulation.
  4. Elevation (keeping the foot raised) improves blood circulation and reduces swelling. So while you are resting, keep your knee about the heart level. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a helpful home remedy for knee pain after delivery.  It contains acetic acid with anti-inflammatory properties that helps reduce pain and swelling in the affected area. Its alkalising effect helps reduce joint pain by removing accumulated toxins from connective tissues and joints. Furthermore, it is rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium. 

Here’s what you have to do:

  1. Mix a couple of apple cider vinegar teaspoons with a glass of lukewarm water. 
  2. Consume it two to three times daily, preferably before meals. 
  3. You can also continue this treatment regularly, as apple cider vinegar solution is suitable for overall health. 

Alternative method:

  1. Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one tablespoon of olive or coconut oil. 
  2. Massage the affected area with this mixture daily. 


Turmeric’s primary component, curcumin, is a potent anti-inflammatory compound. It is also rich in antioxidants and helps relieve joint pain and inflammation symptoms. According to the National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), turmeric slows the progression of rheumatoid arthritis, one of the primary causes of knee pain. 

Here’s what you must do:

  1. Mix one teaspoon turmeric powder with a glass of hot milk. 
  2. Drink it twice daily. 
  3. You can also boil half a teaspoon of ginger and turmeric in a cup of water and drink the tea twice daily. Add a little honey if you cannot bear the raw taste of ginger. 

Alternative method:

  1. Make a paste of turmeric powder and apply it to the affected area. 
  2. Caution: Turmeric has blood-thinning properties. Therefore, consult your doctor before consuming this remedy if you are on blood-thinning medications. 


It is one of the most helpful home remedies for knee pain in old age due to osteoarthritis. Its compounds, like gingerol, make it a powerful anti-inflammatory remedy to reduce knee pain and swelling. 

Here’s what you must do:

  1. Grate a one-inch ginger piece and boil it in a cup of water for ten minutes. 
  2. Strain the water and add a little honey and lemon. 
  3. Drink two to three cups daily until the pain reduces. 

Alternative method:

  1. Boil an inch of a ginger piece in a cup of water for five minutes. 
  2. Strain the solution and allow it to cool for some time. 
  3. Dip a clean gauze or washcloth in warm ginger water and wrap it around the affected joint. 

Dandelion Leaves

Dandelion leaves can be a good choice if you want a home remedy for knee pain. With its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, it is particularly helpful in treating knee pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, it contains vitamins that help restore damaged tissues in case of a knee injury. 

Here’s what you have to do:

  1. Wash 10 to 12 dandelion leaves. 
  2. Add them to a cup of water in a saucepan and boil them for five minutes. 
  3. Strain the water.
  4. Allow it to cool.
  5. Add a little honey to the water and consume immediately. 
  6. You can add the dandelion leaves to your favourite smoothie or juice. 

Epsom Salt

Nothing is more relaxing than soaking the affected area in a warm bath of Epsom salt. Epsom salt’s high magnesium and sulfate levels benefit knee pain from arthritis or fibromyalgia. Magnesium helps reduce inflammation within your body, making this an effective remedy for knee pain. 

Here’s what you have to do:

  1. Add Epsom salt to a lukewarm water-filled tub. 
  2. Immerse the affected knee in the bath for 20 to 30 minutes. 
  3. You can also add frankincense or peppermint oil to the bath to take advantage of these oils. 
  4. Do this once daily or until the pain eases. 


Lemons have anti-inflammatory properties that help decrease pain, swelling, and inflammation associated with knee pain. The citric acid in lemons dissolves uric acid crystals that cause specific arthritis. 

Here’s what you must do:

  1. Extract the juice from a lemon. 
  2. Mix a tablespoon of sesame oil with the juice. 
  3. Apply the mixture to the affected knee and leave it for about 30 to 40 minutes. 
  4. Do this 3 to 4 times daily. 

Alternative method:

  1. Squeeze a lemon in a glass of water. 
  2. Consume this lemon juice daily for faster recovery. 

Mustard Oil

According to Ayurveda, massaging the sore knee with heated mustard oil can help increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. Its pain-relieving property makes it one of the most excellent home remedies for knee pain while climbing stairs, cycling, or running. 

Here’s what you must do:

  1. Heat two tablespoons of mustard oil.
  2. Add one chopped garlic clove to the oil until it turns brown. 
  3. Allow it to cool.
  4. Massage the lukewarm oil on your affected knee in a circular motion. 
  5. Repeat it several times during the day for the best results. 


  1. You can also use coconut or olive oil, which has anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain and inflammation. 

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper (Lal Mirch) is a type of red pepper usually used in cooking. It contains capsaicin, a remedy for treating knee joint pain. Due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, capsaicin acts as a natural pain reliever. 

Here’s what you must do:

  1. Add two tablespoons of cayenne pepper to half a cup of warm olive oil. 
  2. Apply the paste to the injured knee twice daily for at least a week. 

Alternative method:

  1. Use cayenne pepper as an ingredient in your favourite dishes. 


Tulsi (Holy Basil), used in Ayurveda for thousands of years, has anti-rheumatic and antispasmodic properties, making it one of the most helpful home remedies for knee and leg pain. It is especially beneficial in treating knee pain caused due to injury, rheumatic arthritis, and age-related wear and tear. 

Here’s what you must do:

  1. Boil a cup of water with a few Tulsi leaves for 7 to 8 minutes. 
  2. Allow the water to cool for 10 to 15 minutes. 
  3. Strain and drink the water. 
  4. Drink at least 2 to 3 cups of this Tulsi tea daily until the pain eases. 

How to Prevent Knee Pain?

While there are effective ways to treat knee pain, prevention is always better than cure! Following are some ways to help you prevent knee pain and an inability to engage in activities:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight.
  2. Do warm up before exercise. 
  3. Engage in only low-impact exercises.
  4. Follow a nutritious and healthy diet.
  5. Stay active.
  6. Wear properly fitting shoes.
  7. Try Tai Chi (mind-body exercise that helps improve flexibility and balance)

When to Consult a Doctor?

Home remedies may improve knee pain caused by a minor injury, inflammation, or arthritis. However, a knee injury caused by sudden trauma like a fall or road accident requires immediate medical attention. You should call your healthcare professional if you experience the following:

  1. Considerable pain, swelling, or deep cuts on the knee
  2. Inability to use your leg
  3. Pain that persists for a long time or disrupts daily activities
  4. Red, swollen, warm, or tender knee joints
  5. A hot and painful swollen knee, along with symptoms of feeling unwell


Knee pain can result from several underlying conditions (such as arthritis, bursitis, gout, etc.), an injury or an infection. While home remedies for knee joint pain, like apple cider vinegar, ginger, turmeric, lemon, cayenne pepper, and Epsom salt, can relieve pain, they are usually temporary solutions. You must incorporate healthy lifestyle practices to prevent recurring pain. Furthermore, you must seek medical help to treat the underlying cause of your knee pain.

Consult an HexaHealth expert TODAY to seek professional medical care and manage your symptoms. Our team of doctors will help you understand the various treatment options. Furthermore, we will help you find the right hospital and doctor for the best knee pain treatment. 

Frequently Asked Questions

RICE is an effective remedy to relieve knee pain instantly. 

  1. Rest your knee to allow tissues time to heal. 
  2. Apply a bag of ice or cold compress on the affected knee to reduce inflammation and swelling. 
  3. Wrap a compression bandage on your knee to prevent swelling. 
  4. Elevate your knee above heart level to reduce swelling and improve circulation. 

 The best drinks for knee pain include:

  1. Tea
  2. Coffee
  3. Milk
  4. Juices
  5. Smoothies
  6. Water

Supporting your affected knee with a cushion can help relieve knee pain during the night. You can also take a warm bath, gently massage your knee, or apply ice or heat before bed to manage pain. 

Some home remedies that naturally relieve knee pain include:

  1. RICE
  2. Apple cider vinegar
  3. Turmeric ginger
  4. Epsom salt
  5. Dandelion leaves
  6. Lemon
  7. Mustard oil
  8. Tulsi
  9. Cayenne pepper

RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) is a simple home remedy for knee pain that results from soft tissue injuries, such as a sprain in the knee. 

All fruits are excellent antioxidants that can help fight inflammation. Fruits especially helpful for knee pain include berries, such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, because they contain anthocyanins to reduce inflammation. 

Foods that can help get rid of knee pain include:

  1. Nuts and seeds
  2. Lentils and beans
  3. Garlic and root vegetables
  4. Whole grains
  5. Dark chocolate

Over-the-counter analgesics are the best painkillers to relieve knee pain. Some people may also find relief from ointment creams on the affected knee. 

Yes, bananas can help with knee pain. They are rich in magnesium and potassium, which help increase bone density. Bananas may help reduce swelling, relieve joint pain and improve your range of motion.
 There is no specific food that can make your knees stronger. However, you can make some changes to your diet to reduce pain and inflammation in your knees. Eating foods with omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation. Furthermore, foods with Vitamin C (citrus fruits, broccoli, tomatoes, red and green peppers) and zinc and copper (meats, nuts, beans, whole grains) are important for forming collagen, which is a major component of knee cartilage.

Daily exercise can help keep the muscles of your knees strong and maintain mobility. Some low-impact activities that help keep your knees stronger include:

  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Yoga

You should look for the following vitamins in your food to prevent knee pain:

  1. Vitamin D (fish, mushrooms, egg yolk)
  2. Vitamin C (guava, oranges, broccoli, kiwi)
  3. Calcium (cheese, yoghurt, almonds, white beans, salmon)
  4. Protein (eggs, nuts, greek yoghurt)
  5. Omega-3 fatty acids (Olive oil, fish, strawberries, broccoli)

Yes, mild and moderate knee pain can usually go away with physiotherapy or certain home remedies. If the pain is prolonged or severe, you may require medical intervention to manage the symptoms. 

 Although both heat and cold are beneficial to ease knee pain, sometimes, one is preferred over the other. 

  1. An ice pack can help decrease blood flow, relieving pain and inflammation. It is most effective when used for the first 24 hours after the beginning of knee pain. 
  2. If there is no swelling, you can use a heating pad the first time you experience knee pain. Using heat helps increase blood flow. It loosens tight muscles and joints, relieving muscle spasms and pain. 

The fastest way to reduce knee inflammation is the RICE method. Resting your knee, applying ice on the knee, compressing it with an elastic bandage, and elevating it above your heart level can help reduce inflammation and control pain. 

Minor knee pain can often be treated at home, and you will begin to feel better in a day or two of rest. However, severe knee injuries may take a little longer to get better. 

If you have knee pain, you can sleep on your back or side. It is advised to put a pillow underneath your knees for support while sleeping on your back. Furthermore, keeping your knee flexed while sleeping on your side can minimise pain. Avoid sleeping with your legs crossed.

Last Updated on: 26 September 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


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