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15 Instant Home Remedies to Get Rid of Headache Naturally

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Charu Shrivastava, last updated on 12 April 2023| min read
15 Instant Home Remedies to Get Rid of Headache Naturally

Quick Summary

  • Overview
  • Headaches are a common problem that can be caused by a variety of factors
  • While there are many different treatments available, home remedies for headaches can be a great way to get quick relief without spending a lot of time or money
  • Here are three simple home remedies for headaches:
  • Apply a cold compress to your forehead
  • This can help to reduce inflammation and pain
  • Take a warm bath or shower
  • This can help to relax your muscles and relieve tension
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Dehydration can often lead to headaches
  • If you have a headache that is severe or persistent, it is important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions

Headaches are common health problems these days that might occur as a result of a variety of reasons. While there are various forms of treatment for this issue, home remedies for headaches can be ideal for providing quick relief without requiring a significant investment of time or money. 

Headaches may appear to be innocuous, but their recurrence can disrupt your daily routine. As a result, it is critical to seek medical attention. Home remedies are useful if you are unable to leave the house to seek medical attention. So, continue reading to get a list of hand-picked home remedies for headaches.

Causes of Headache

Most people will suffer from headaches at some point or another throughout their lives. While the majority of headaches are not harmful, some forms may indicate a serious underlying illness.  Now, there are two basic types of headaches, primary and secondary, which have been discussed below: 

  1. Primary headaches are brought on by overactive or dysfunctional pain-sensitive brain tissue. A primary headache is not a sign of a serious condition. Here are some common causes of primary headaches:
    1. Migraine 
    2. Tension 
    3. Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia (TAC), such as cluster headache
    4. Exercise headache 
    5. Headache from alcohol
    6. Headache from lack of sleep, skipped meals or stress 
  2. Secondary headaches, on the other hand, are much more complicated and intense. This type of headache is a sign of a condition that might cause the pain-sensitive nerves in the brain to become active. Here are some of the reasons responsible for these:
    1. Acute sinusitis
    2. Brain tumour
    3. Carbon monoxide poisoning
    4. Dehydration
    5. Dental problems
    6. Encephalitis 
    7. Hangovers
    8. High blood pressure 
    9. Certain medicines and/or their overdose 
    10. Panic attacks and panic disorder
    11. Pressure from tight headgear
    12. Stroke
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Benefits of the Home Remedies for Headache

If you are facing occasional headaches, trying home remedies is always better than seeking treatment.

Here, you might be curious to know what is the home remedy for headache/headaches. It mainly refers to taking measures at home for reducing the intensity of headaches without consulting a healthcare professional.

Here are some of the benefits of this kind of remedy for headaches.

  1. Home remedies are much cheaper than professional treatments. 
  2. You can seek these at your convenience. If you are having a headache late at night, a home remedy will be better to avoid the hassles of going out. 
  3. These are also beneficial to avoid taking additional pills if you are under other medication. 
  4. There are much lower risks of side effects in such remedies than in medication.

Home Remedies for Headache

Now that you know the causes and the importance of home remedies, you must be curious to find out what are the home remedies for headaches. These are cheap and super convenient.

While most of these address headaches instantly, you can try the others if you are looking for long-term treatment for chronic headaches. Here is a list of instant home remedies for a headache that you can try at home.

  1. Stay Hydrated: Inadequate hydration often causes headaches. Moreover, dehydration can disrupt your concentration and ability to work. Thus, you should consider drinking water at regular intervals to stay hydrated.
    It is helpful to reduce the duration of headaches and their intensity in most cases. Apart from water, you should also consider including more water-rich fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  2. Try Hot or Cold Compresses: Placing a cold pack on the pressure points is one of the most commonly used home remedies for migraine headaches. You can also use ice cubes wrapped in a towel and place them on your forehead.
    Apart from that, using heat pads and hot compress can also be helpful here. You can also use a warm cloth on the area of pain if direct contact with the heat pad causes discomfort.
  3. Magnesium: Magnesium is an essential mineral, capable of multiple functions like regulating blood sugar and transmitting the nerves. Medical research shows that a deficiency of magnesium can lead to migraine.
    Doctors find it to be a safe and effective way to reduce headaches. You can try magnesium-rich food like bananas, almonds and avocados or might take some supplements.
    However, you should be aware that magnesium supplements can have side effects like diarrhoea.
  4. Get Some Rest: Excessive work pressure and its stress often lead to an intense headache. Thus, taking a break has been one of the most popular head pain home remedies.
    You need to completely get your mind off your work and simply lie down in a dark room for some time. Taking a nap can also help to reduce the intensity of the pain.
  5. Maintain a Proper Sleep Cycle: If you are wondering what to do for a headache - home remedies are a must try, and the simplest of all is getting a night of good sleep.
    Having a healthy sleep cycle is essential to keep headaches under control, as sleep deprivation can cause headaches. On the other hand, getting excessive sleep can also trigger headaches.
    Thus, it is important to maintain a healthy sleep cycle, which is generally 7-9 hours of sleep per night. This sleep cycle will be beneficial to avoid sleep apnoea or headaches.
  6. Apply Essential Oil: Essential oils can be another headache solution at home. Peppermint and lavender oils come with relaxing properties, which can be effective in easing out intense throbbing headaches.
    You can apply a small quantity of these oils to your temples and massage gently to calm down the pain. You can also diffuse it in a diffuser or simply apply it on your palms and inhale the scent.
  7. Massage the Pressure Points: Applying pressure to the pressure points can be a great way to reduce headaches.
    Once you start experiencing intense and throbbing pain in your forehead, use your index fingers to apply gentle pressure on the temples and rub in a circular motion.
    Rubbing the spot in the base of the thumb can be helpful for 4 to 5 seconds before releasing it to reduce the intensity of the headache.
  8. Ginger: A 2021 study shows ginger supplements can be a good head pain relief home remedy. Ginger roots come with multiple beneficial components, including antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances.
    You can take ginger supplements to reduce the intensity of migraine pain. Pure encapsulations ginger extract is a popular supplement which contains 500 mg of ginger root extract. It can be beneficial to reduce headaches.
  9. Take a Hot Shower Bath: If you are wondering what is the home remedy for migraine headaches, a hot shower bath can be helpful.
    Washing your head with lukewarm water and letting it run down your neck and shoulder can be highly soothing when you are suffering from pain.
    The process helps to alleviate muscle tension while improving your blood circulation. It provides swift relief to headaches.
  10. Try Relaxing Activities: Often, a headache is a result of stress and excitement. Thus, trying relaxing activities can be the best home remedy for headaches.
    One of the easiest activities is breathing in and out deeply, which can be done in any situation. You can try closing your eyes and meditating for some time alone in the room. Music therapy also helps to reduce the intensity of headaches.
  11. Dim the Lights: Exposure to extremely bright or flickering light, including the light from the computer screen, can lead to headaches. Particularly, it affects those who suffer from chronic migraine attacks.
    Thus, you can consider dimming the lights in the room and closing the windows. It will help calm your nerves and reduce the pain. Moreover, you should wear sunglasses while going out in the sun.
  12. Try Herbal Tea: You can add herbal tea to your diet when considering the best home treatment for headaches. It keeps you hydrated, while your body gets access to the benefits of the natural compounds in such tea.
    Some popular herbs like chamomile, peppermint and lavender can be effective in reducing headaches. Simply crush the herbs and add them to lukewarm water to prepare the tea. Else, you can buy tea options with infused herbs and directly prepare them.
  13. Drink Some Caffeine: Are you trying to find out what home remedy is good for headaches? Sipping on beverages like tea or coffee that contain caffeine can help you reduce the intensity of headaches.
    Caffeine is known for improving mood and constricting blood vessels, which positively impact headaches. It can improve the effectiveness if you take medicines like ibuprofen or acetaminophen for headaches (under some medical supervision).
    However, you should avoid getting addicted to it, as its withdrawal can again lead to headaches.  
  14. Try Herbal or Vitamin Supplements: Herbs like chamomile, curcumin and butterbur have shown promising effects in reducing headaches. For instance, Thorne Meriva-SF is a helpful supplement here for migraine patients.
    However, it is important to consider the opinions of doctors before taking these. B-complex vitamin supplements like pyridoxine (B6), riboflavin (B2), folate and B12 are also popular and well-liked treatments for headaches.
  15. Practise Yoga: Yoga is known for reducing stress and tension, which can be beneficial when you are suffering from severe headaches. You can try some basic and simple yoga poses, like lying on the bed and extending your legs up the wall.
    Moreover, you can try placing a rolled-up towel on the mat and lying over it to support your spine.

Things to Remember While Undertaking Home Remedies for Headache

If you are opting for home remedies over medical support for headaches, you must be cautious to avoid making any mistakes. Here are a few things you should keep in mind in this process:

  1. Avoid taking any medicines, chemicals or herbal mixtures without consulting a doctor.
  2. If you are trying out any recipe, ensure that the dosage is correct. Overdosing any herbs or medicines can have serious side effects. 
  3. Take proper measures if you are trying something new. You should be able to contact a physician instantly if anything goes wrong.
  4. Home remedies might not always work. You should therefore not completely rely only on these.
  5. If you continue to face chronic headaches despite the home remedies, it will be mandatory to seek medical attention.

When to Consult a Doctor?

Usually, you can avoid medical treatment for a simple headache. However, neglecting it can lead to serious conditions, leading to severe migraine attacks. You should definitely consult a doctor if:

  1. Headache is chronic and sudden with violent pain.
  2. Pain is so intense that it causes a loss of vision or consciousness.
  3. Headache makes you feel nauseous and causes vomiting.
  4. Headache lasts for about 72 hours with less than 4 pain-free hours.


Thus, you can try the various home remedies for headaches listed in this article to handle pain without having to visit the healthcare centre. However, you must know these methods only provide instant relief. If you are experiencing chronic and intense headaches, make sure to visit a doctor and seek medical attention. 

So, are you still looking to get reliable medical support for treating headaches? You can consider HexaHealth. It is an evolving HealthTech platform with a huge network of hospitals located across India. Check out their website to learn more about the brand and access high-quality healthcare services at an affordable rate.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is a wide range of home remedies for headaches. Some of these include drinking water and herbal tea, using compresses, taking hot showers, using essential oils and using gentle massaging and relaxation techniques.
If you are using instant home remedies for headaches, make sure that you are not taking any supplements without consulting the doctor. Moreover, avoid using compresses for too long, as it can affect your health.
If you are suffering from a migraine headache, some home remedies for migraine headaches can be effective. You can try turning off the lights, moving to a quiet and calm environment, using hot or cold compresses, drinking caffeine, etc. to reduce the pain.
Ginger is one of the most effective head pain home remedies. There are multiple supplements available with ginger root extracts. However, you need to consult a doctor before taking these. Moreover, you can use it as a herbal tea by mixing the extracts with lukewarm water.
Yes, peppermint oil can be a great headache solution at home. This essential oil has shown effectiveness in relaxing muscles and easing migraine pain. You can apply diluted peppermint oil on your temples to reduce the pain.
Lavender oil can be a great essential oil for reducing headaches. Apply 2 to 4 drops of oil in three cups of boiling water. Then, inhale the vapours of the water. Moreover, you can apply the oil directly to your temples.

Yes, hydration is a mandatory requirement when it comes to severe headaches. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help you avoid headaches and relieve their intensity.

When your body is dehydrated, your brain and other tissues start shrinking, thereby pressurising the nerves. When you drink water, the brain plumps up, moves to its original position and pain reduces.

If you are experiencing headaches, cold compresses can be effective. Applying it to your head or neck can provide a numbing effect, thereby bringing down the pain.

According to Elliott, a cold press can constrict blood vessels, while reducing the neurotransmission of pain to the brain. Thus, an ice pack can be a good home remedy to reduce headaches.

Some of the basic and simple yoga poses to relieve headaches include Viparita Karani (legs up the wall), Supta Matsyendrasana (supine twist) and Balasana (child’s pose). These can help bring down headache intensity.

Yes, magnesium-rich food items like bananas or almonds can be effective in relieving headaches and thus can be considered one of the best home treatments for headaches.

Magnesium is one of the safest and most effective ways to handle headaches and migraine attacks. It can prevent brain signalling, improve platelet function and block substances like Substance P and glutamate, which are pain-transmitting chemicals in the brain.

Yes, applying pressure on specific points can be effective in headache relief. You need to find out the pressure points and gently massage these to reduce the pain. This helps to reduce the tension in bones and muscles, relaxes them and ensures proper blood flow. Thus, helps to reduce headaches.

A 2017 study suggests that acupressure or acupuncture therapies can be an effective remedy for headaches at home. You can find the pressure point LI-4 on the back of your hand, right between the thumb and index finger.

Try to locate this point and massage it gently to reduce headaches. However, you need professional help to learn the process.

Herbal remedies are effective for headache. Herbs like feverfew, butterbur, peppermint, ginger, willow, valerian, etc. are popular names. You can use them to make herbal tea or try their supplements.
A hot shower helps relax your muscles and release tension from them. As a result, it can bring down migraine pain.
Yes, relaxing activities like deep breathing and meditation can be considered effective headache solutions at home or effective remedies for headaches. They help divert your mind from the pain, calm you down, and reduce stress and tension.
Beverages containing caffeine, such as tea or coffee, can be great options for instant home remedies for headaches. Caffeine can improve your mood and help reduce stress.
You should avoid yoga if you are suffering from injuries or fractures. Moreover, you should not try any supplements without consulting the doctor if you are taking other medicines.
There can be various helpful home remedies for headaches during pregnancy. These include trying relaxation activities, including simple physical activities in your daily routine, maintaining a healthy sleep cycle and including magnesium-rich food in your diet.

Yes, magnesium-rich food items like almonds, spinach, peanut butter, banana, salmon and avocados are safe and effective in relieving headaches during pregnancy. Magnesium is a great remedy for migraine attacks. It prevents cortical spreading depression by reducing the waves of brain signalling.

Moreover, it is capable of reducing the pain-transmitting chemicals and narrowing of brain blood vessels, which can contribute to alleviating the headache.

You can use acupressure as a home remedy for headaches during pregnancy. Start with locating the acupoint and gently massaging it. Avoid focusing on anything else and repeat the process.
Yes, you can practise parental yoga to relieve headaches during pregnancy. Some of these include Adham Pranayama (belly breathing), Marjariasana (cat-cow), Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward-facing dog pose), etc.
You can practise relaxation techniques to relieve headaches during pregnancy. Some helpful relaxation techniques include meditation, deep breathing, yoga, music therapy and gentle massaging.
Yes, pregnant women can take over-the-counter medications or supplements like acetaminophen (Tylenol) and acetaminophen to relieve headaches during this time. However, consult the doctor before consuming any of the over-the-counter medications.
Some food items or environmental factors can trigger your headache. Avoiding these means avoiding their influence on your body. As a result, you can reduce the possibility of suffering from headaches during pregnancy.
Taking breaks or naps occasionally during pregnancy can help reduce stress and thereby limit the intensity of headaches. However, excessive sleep can also lead to headaches.
During pregnancy, you should avoid any intense physical activity or yoga poses that are usually suggested for relieving headaches. These might not be safe during this time. It is better to consult the doctor if the headache is too severe, rather than opting for home remedies.
Headaches are common during pregnancy. However, if you feel the intensity is increasing, you should consider visiting the doctor. Moreover, if the headache seems chronic, does not go away in 4 hours, causes dizziness or blurred vision, or makes you lose consciousness, you should consult a doctor right away.

Last Updated on: 12 April 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


Charu Shrivastava

Charu Shrivastava

BSc. Biotechnology I MDU and MSc in Medical Biochemistry (HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard)

2 Years Experience

Skilled in SEO and passionate about creating informative and engaging medical content. Her proofreading and content writing for medical websites is impressive. She creates informative and engaging content that educ...View More

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