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Home Remedies for Constipation Relief during Pregnancy

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Arti Sharma
Written by Nikita Tyagi, last updated on 9 January 2023| min read
Home Remedies for Constipation Relief during Pregnancy

Quick Summary

  • Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy.
  • Hormonal imbalances, anxiety, and stress are some major factors contributing to constipation during pregnancy.
  • Home remedies for constipation during pregnancy can help to relieve constipation.

Constipation is a problem that is commonly encountered by a lot of people. But can you imagine feeling constipated while pregnant? Constipation during pregnancy is one of the worst nightmares for a pregnant woman. Hormonal imbalances, anxiety, and stress are some major factors contributing to constipation during pregnancy. 

Now, in normal times, medicines for constipation can be taken for instant relief. But, during pregnancy, most women avoid taking medicines as they might harm the baby. So, what to do now? How to get immediate constipation relief during pregnancy? Well, there is no need to stress because constipation in pregnancy can be relieved with the help of home remedies for constipation during pregnancy.

In this article, we will learn more about the different home remedies for constipation in pregnancy and how to get immediate constipation relief during pregnancy with home remedies. 

Constipation during Pregnancy

Constipation is a common problem most pregnant women face. During pregnancy, the female body goes through a lot of changes. Additionally, there is a lifestyle change, and all of these factors can cause constipation during pregnancy. 

Constipation can happen at any point during pregnancy. It can happen in the early days of the last months of the pregnancy. 

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Causes of Constipation during Pregnancy

Several causes may contribute to constipation during pregnancy. These causes include the following

  1. Hormonal imbalances: During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes several changes. The production of progesterone hormone is high during pregnancy. This progesterone hormone can slow down the process of digestion during pregnancy which can cause constipation. 
  2. Lack of exercise: Not exercising is a common cause of constipation in pregnant women. Being inactive during pregnancy might be the factor leading to constipation. 
  3. Dehydration: Not drinking enough water and morning sickness can cause dehydration in pregnant women, leading to constipation. 
  4. Dietary changes: During pregnancy, females focus more on eating foods good for the baby. This dietary change or not eating enough fibre may also lead to constipation.
  5. Supplements: Iron is a common supplement prescribed during pregnancy. Iron can cause constipation.
  6. Pressure on the womb: As the baby grows, the pressure on the womb increases, which may make it difficult for the stools to pass and thereby lead to constipation. 
  7. Stress and anxiety: The idea of pregnancy and giving birth can cause stress and anxiety in mothers, which can cause constipation. 

For immediate constipation relief during pregnancy, home remedies can be by pregnant women. 

Home Remedies for Constipation during Pregnancy

Now, there are various home remedies for constipation in pregnancy that can be safely used. Some remedies may also give immediate constipation relief during pregnancy. However, if constipation persists, the best thing to do is seek help from a doctor. 

The various home remedies for constipation during pregnancy include the following: 


  1. Yes, you read it correctly. Water is the solution to a lot of problems, including constipation. Dehydration is one of the most common causes of constipation, and drinking enough water might be the treatment needed.
  2. Drinking around eight to twelve glasses of water daily is advised to ensure adequate hydration and effective management of constipation. 


  1. Probiotics are essential for the regulation of the bacteria found in the gut. Consuming probiotics can help improve constipation in pregnant women. It is safe to consume probiotics like yoghurt during pregnancy. You can also get probiotic supplements prescribed by a doctor to relieve constipation. 

Fibre-Rich Diet

  1. Fibre is an essential part of pregnancy die. Fibre helps increase the stool's bulk and facilitate its easy removal. Adding fibre-rich foods like berries, millets, whole grains, beetroots, carrots, etc., is a good home remedy for constipation in pregnancy. 

Coconut Water 

  1. Coconut water is packed with electrolytes. It is an excellent remedy for constipation during pregnancy that may occur due to dehydration and loss of electrolytes during morning sickness. 

Ispagula Husks

  1. Ispagula Husks are a very popular home remedy found in almost all Indian homes. It is a good remedy for constipation during pregnancy. As it is a laxative, the mucilage present in Ispaghula husk adds bulk to the stool and softens it by absorbing fluids. 
  2. Although Ispagula Husk is safe to be consumed during pregnancy, it is best to consume it only after seeking advice from a healthcare provider. 

Prune Juice

  1. One of the best home remedies for constipation during pregnancy is prune juice. Prune juice helps relieve constipation as it has sorbitol. Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol with laxative properties that help constipation during pregnancy.
  2. Drinking half a glass of prune juice two times a day makes up for an excellent home remedy for constipation in pregnancy. 


  1. Lemon contains vitamin C and water-soluble fibre, which helps alleviate constipation. Lemon water is another remedy for constipation during pregnancy that works by softening the stools and stimulating bowel movements. 
  2. Drinking lemon by adding it to lukewarm water can help to relieve not only constipation but nausea as well in pregnant women. However, it should be consumed in moderation. 

Physical Activity

  1. A lack of physical activity can cause constipation in almost everyone, including pregnant women. Moving around and being active is an easy remedy to relieve constipation during pregnancy.
  2. Although walking and parental yoga are some safe exercise options for women having constipation during pregnancy, medical advice from a doctor is always the best.

Citrus-rich foods 

  1. Fruits rich in citrus, like oranges, grapes, strawberries, and blackberries, are rich in fibre, especially pectin, which is a type of soluble fibre that helps in boosting the transit time of the colon and reduces constipation.


  1. Constipation during pregnancy can be relieved by gently massaging the stomach in the second and third trimesters (fourth to the ninth month). However, it is essential to be extremely gentle and not add too much pressure. 
  2. The best way to relieve constipation during pregnancy with the help of massage is to get it done by a professional massage therapist. 

Important Note: 

  1. Massaging the abdomen to relieve constipation must be avoided during the first trimester. 
  2. While these home remedies for constipation during pregnancy work well, it is essential to check with a doctor if it persists for too long. 
  3. Additionally, working on stress management by meditating and practising breathing techniques can also help with constipation during pregnancy. 

Benefits of Home Remedies for Constipation in Pregnancy

There are several potential benefits to using home remedies for constipation in pregnancy, including

  1. Convenience: Home remedies are generally easy to access and can be used in the comfort of your own home.
  2. Cost-effectiveness: Home remedies are typically less expensive than over-the-counter or prescription medications.
  3. Safety: Many home remedies have a long history of use and are generally considered safe during pregnancy. However, it's always a good idea to talk to your doctor before using any home remedy, especially if you are pregnant.
  4. Natural: Home remedies are often made from natural ingredients, which may appeal to those who prefer to use natural remedies
  5. Nutritious: The home remedies also provide nutrition to the mother and the baby, thereby contributing to improved health during pregnancy

Tips to keep in mind while using Home Remedies for Constipation during pregnancy

The tips to keep in mind while using these home remedies for constipation during pregnancy include the following:

  1. Talk to your doctor: Before using any home remedies for constipation during pregnancy, it's important to talk to your doctor to ensure that the remedies are safe and appropriate for you.
  2. Be patient: It may take some time for home remedies to work, so be patient and give them a chance to take effect.
  3. Try a combination of remedies: Different remedies may work for different people, so you may need to try a combination of remedies to find what works best for you.
  4. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids can help keep your stools soft and help them pass more easily.
  5. Eat a high-fibre diet: Foods high in fibre, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help add bulk to your stools and make them easier to pass.
  6. Exercise regularly: Mild physical exercises like walking for 20-30 minutes and yoga for pregnancy must be done to prevent constipation. However, it is important to seek advice from your doctor before beginning any exercise routine.
  7. Take adequate rest: Taking adequate rest is necessary to prevent constipation during pregnancy.
  8. Avoid dehydration: Dehydration can worsen constipation, so it's important to drink plenty of fluids and eat foods with a high water content, such as fruits and vegetables.
  9. Avoid straining: Straining during bowel movements can make constipation worse, so it's important to relax and take time when trying to have a bowel movement.
  10. Avoid stress: Try meditation or breathing techniques to relieve stress and anxiety during pregnancy to prevent constipation.
  11. Avoid foods that can cause constipation: Some foods, such as cheese, bananas, and processed foods, can contribute to constipation. High-fibre foods and focusing on a high-fibre diet can help prevent constipation.
  12. Don't ignore the problem: If home remedies are not effective and you are still experiencing constipation, it's important to talk to your doctor for further evaluation and treatment. Ignoring constipation can lead to more serious problems.

When to see a doctor?

Even after trying out home remedies for constipation relief during pregnancy, you must know that it is time to see a doctor if you experience:

  1. Chronic constipation.
  2. Pain in the abdomen.
  3. Constipation alternating with diarrhoea.
  4. Bleeding or passing mucus while trying to pass stools.


While immediate constipation relief during pregnancy with home remedies is possible in cases of mild constipation, it is still important to consult your doctor. Anything too much is not good, including certain home remedies. Home remedies for constipation during pregnancy may act as a quick fix. However, it is not a complete solution for it. 

At HexaHealth, our team of highly qualified doctors provides the best solutions, care, and treatment to all mothers-to-be. Our team of highly focused and driven doctors provides the best consultations for all the issues battled by pregnant women, including constipation during pregnancy. At HexaHealth, we believe in standing by the new moms throughout their journey and provide the best treatments and diet to get relief from constipation during pregnancy.

Suggested Reads:

  1. Complications of Pregnancy
  2. Diabetes and Pregnancy
  3. Heart Disease and Pregnancy
  4. Piles in Pregnancy in Hindi
  5. Diet for High SGPT and SGOT Levels in Pregnancy
  6. Alkaline Phosphatase High in Pregnancy
  7. Early Pregnancy Urine Colour Changes?

Frequently Asked Questions

Some immediate constipation relief during pregnancy home remedies include the following:

  1. Drinking 8-12 glasses of water
  2. Doing mild exercises like walking for 15-20 minutes 
  3. Eating fibre-rich foods
  4. Drinking coconut water or lemon water, or prune juice 
  5. Consuming yoghurt 

You can soften the stools during pregnancy by taking Ispagula Husks or prune juice or lemon water. Ispagula Husks or prune juice, or lemon water are good home remedies for constipation during pregnancy as they have laxative properties that help by softening the stools and stimulating bowel movements for easy removal of the stools. 

A natural laxative for pregnancy is Ispagula Husk. The mucilage in Ispaghula husk adds bulk to the stool and softens it by absorbing fluids. Although Ispagula Husk is safe to be consumed during pregnancy, it is best to consume it only after seeking advice from a healthcare provider.
No, constipation cannot hurt the baby during pregnancy. Hence, there is no need to stress about constipation causing harm to the baby, as stress can worsen constipation.

Although pushing too hard to poop while pregnant won’t cause harm to your baby, it is still not OK to do so. This is because straining and trying to push too hard to poop during pregnancy may increase the risk of haemorrhoids or anal fissures. 

Constipation during pregnancy often gets better with the progression of pregnancy. Along with that, simple home remedies for constipation and healthy lifestyle changes can also help constipation during pregnancy. 

Although constipation may happen in any trimester of pregnancy, the chances of constipation are more in the third trimester. However, home remedies for constipation in pregnancy, like drinking lots of water, eating fibre-rich foods, managing stress, and getting a little exercise, can help relieve constipation.

You can pass a hard stool during pregnancy by taking fibre-rich foods, ispaghula husk, prune juice, or lemon water, as they can help soften the stools due to their laxative properties. 

The positions that may help with constipation include,

  1. Sitting on the toilet seat while leaning forward and resting the hands on the thighs.
  2. Resting the foot on a stool or ground properly.
  3. Keeping the knees bent and higher than the hips.

Yes, you very gently massage your stomach for constipation during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters. However, it is essential to be extremely gentle and not add too much pressure. The best way to relieve constipation during pregnancy with the help of massage is to get it done by a professional massage therapist. Massaging the abdomen to relieve constipation must be avoided during the first trimester. 

Yes, there is a pressure point like San Jiao six (SJ-6) point that helps relieve constipation during pregnancy. However, it is best to take professional help for acupressure to relieve constipation during pregnancy. 

Yes, eating is essential to help relieve constipation while pregnant. You can eat five-six small meals throughout the day and add fibre to your diet to relieve constipation during pregnancy. 

Last Updated on: 9 January 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Arti Sharma

Dr. Arti Sharma

MBBS, DNB Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Diploma In Cosmetic Gynaecology

9 Years Experience

Dr Arti Sharma is a well-known Obstetrician and Cosmetic Gynaecologist currently associated with Aesthetica Veda in Bengaluru. She has 9 years of experience in Obstetrics and Cosmetic Gynaecology and worked as an expert Obstetrician...View More


Nikita Tyagi

Nikita Tyagi

BPharm (Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University, Hyderabad)

2 Years Experience

An enthusiastic writer with an eye for details and medical correctness. An avid reviewer and publisher. She emphasises authentic information and creates value for the readers. Earlier, she was involved in making ...View More

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