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32 Foods that Burn Belly Fat Fast and Increase Metabolism

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Nikita Tyagi, last updated on 9 July 2024| min read
32 Foods that Burn Belly Fat Fast and Increase Metabolism

Quick Summary

  • Diet plays a significant role in losing belly fat.
  • The thumb rule says 75% of diet and 25% of exercise contribute to effective weight loss.
  • The first step to losing belly fat is selecting the right foods that burn belly fat.

In order to lose belly fat, diet plays a significant role. The thumb rule says 75% of diet and 25% of exercise contribute to effective weight loss. But not everyone knows the ideal food items to eat to lose belly fat the right way. Therefore, they search the internet for foods that burn belly fat, hoping it will help them lose weight fast. Do you correlate with the above statements? If your answer is yes, keep reading!

Before incorporating any food item into your diet, you must also know its nutritional content. The better you know about the nutrients in your food, the easier it is to lose belly fat healthily. The first step to losing belly fat is selecting the right foods that burn belly fat. So, to make your weight loss journey easier, we bring you 32 foods that burn belly fat fast.

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32 Foods That Burn Belly Fat Fast

Each of these foods is carefully chosen based on its nutritional content and ability to keep you healthy while helping you lose weight. So next time, when to start thinking about what foods help burn belly fat, you don’t have to look anywhere else.


  1. Fruits are among the best foods that burn belly fat. Fruits are healthy, easy to consume, and have a plethora of health benefits. They are extremely rich in antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and dietary fibres, which can help you lose belly fat fast.
  2. Dietary fibre in fruits helps improve digestion, lowers blood pressure, and enhances metabolic rates. Some fruits constantly recommended for fat-burning are strawberries, apples, grapes, watermelons, etc.

Green gram

  1. When pondering what foods help burn belly fat, green gram must be one of the first foods that must come to your mind. It has a rich nutritional profile with iron, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins C and B6.
  2. Green gram is also extremely rich in protein and has low calories, which is the ideal combination for anyone looking for foods to lose belly fat.
  3. The protein found in green gram ensures a faster metabolism, lowers calorie intake by keeping people full for a long time, and improves overall health.


  1. To lose belly fat and weight in general, omega-3 fatty acids and good protein are important; both are found abundantly in fish. 
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids are known for reducing bloating of the body and improving metabolism, making fish an excellent food that burns belly fat. Fish also stacks high protein content, which the body needs to build muscle and keep it satiated, lowering calorie intake.


  1. When trying to reduce the amount of food one consumes in order to lose weight, almonds are an excellent food item to rely on. They keep the stomach full for a long time, as it contains high quantities of good fat and protein.
  2. If you are a vegetarian, almonds are a great source of nutrients, such as protein, fibre, antioxidants, vitamin E, copper, vitamin B12, etc., which aid in weight loss. Almonds also contain omega-3 fatty acids (like fish), which boosts metabolic rates and energy in the body.
  3. The rich nutrient profile and ease of consumption make almonds one of the best foods that burn belly fat.

Spinach and green vegetables

  1. Leafy vegetables, such as spinach, turnip, collard greens, etc., are incredibly rich in dietary fibre, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Regularly eating leafy vegetables can help reduce inflammation and improve digestion, making it a good option to add to the “food that burns belly fat” list.
  2. With good fibre content, leafy vegetables also keep the body satiated for long hours, thereby reducing daily calorie intake and aiding in weight loss.

Cottage cheese

  1. When talking of what foods help burn belly fat, cottage cheese is one that has weight loss properties. Cottage cheese is rich in protein which can improve metabolism and prevent weight gain.
  2. It is also low in calories while being packed with calcium, vitamins B, selenium, and phosphorus. Calcium deficiency can cause fat deposits in the body, and regular cottage cheese intake effectively addresses this issue.
  3. Calcium present in cottage cheese can also stop cellular changes in the body that may cause fat deposits. All these reasons make cottage cheese an excellent food that must be added to the list of foods that burn belly fat.

Peanut butter

  1. Peanut butter is a great source of vital nutrients. It is high in protein, iron, zinc, potassium, vitamin E, dietary fibre, polyphenols, and antioxidants. This is also why it is listed among the best foods that burn belly fat.
  2. Consuming peanut butter can keep the stomach full for a long period of time while controlling the urge to eat, which helps in reducing belly fat. 
  3. However, since it is dense in calories, one needs to be careful in moderating the daily intake.


  1. Avocados are extremely rich in fat, vitamins, and minerals while being low in calories.  They also have anti-inflammatory properties and help lower cholesterol. The soluble fibre in avocados helps regulate the body’s appetite and reduce overall calorie intake, making it one of the best foods that burn belly fat.
  2. This balanced nutritional profile makes avocados an ideal food item that burns belly fat fast. Making avocado a part of your diet can help accelerate your weight loss journey.
  3. Avocados can be eaten during the day to improve blood flow and lower blood sugar;  Consuming them at night ensures a more sound sleep.

Orange Juice

  1. Orange juice is an excellent beverage to include in any weight loss diet and is one of the best breakfast foods that burn belly fat fast due to its high nutritional value. It contains vitamin C, vitamin A, protein and calcium.
  2. Orange juice also has a high amount of dietary fibre that keeps the stomach full for a longer duration, effectively controlling calorie intake and faster digestion.
  3. However, orange juice must not be consumed on an empty stomach, as it might cause the blood sugar level to rise.


  1. Another vegetable that you can regularly eat to lose belly fat is broccoli. Broccoli is suggested by fitness experts and dietitians as one of the best foods to lose belly fat for its ability to reduce inflammation and obesity. 
  2. Broccoli also bolsters insulin sensitivity, which directly relates to reducing type 2 diabetes.  It is a great source of vitamins B2 and K2, which are hard to get from other vegetables. Consuming broccoli enriches the body with minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, etc.
  3. It also reduces the risk of high blood pressure and anaemia and prevents cancer.


  1. Lowering calorie intake is an important factor to keep in mind when trying to lose belly fat. Asparagus, one of the best foods to lose belly fat, helps in this regard, as it keeps hunger satiated for a long time due to its high fibre content, reducing the number of times you eat.
  2. It also produces acetate, an acid that helps improve the fat-burning activity in the cells and their recovery from inflammation. 
  3. Asparagus is also rich in potassium and is a diuretic, which helps control bloating. Therefore including asparagus in the diet is imperative as an item of food that burns belly fat.


  1. When looking for stomach fat-burning foods, eggs are among the best options, without a doubt. Eggs are rich in protein and have all the nine essential amino acids that boost metabolism.
  2. Furthermore, the yolk contains important nutrients the body needs, such as calcium, iron, vitamin D, vitamin B6, sodium, potassium, cobalamin, etc.
  3. Apart from an impeccable nutritional profile, the versatility of eggs to be cooked in any form makes it a crucial add-on to the list of top 32 foods that burn belly fat fast. Eggs can be eaten in the boiled, fried, scrambled, or poached form.

Coconut oil

  1. Coconut oil is a rich source of good fats that the body needs to keep weight gain in check. Good fats help regulate appetite by moderating the release of hormones controlling hunger.  This makes coconut oil an exceptional stomach fat-burning food.
  2. The fatty acids in coconut oil are great for increasing the rate of fat burning. It is also full of medium-chain triglycerides, which create a feeling of fullness in your stomach and help control your appetite.
  3. Consuming coconut oil is great for controlling gaining weight, but remember that it is also dense in calories. Therefore, keeping a tab on consuming the same is imperative, although it is an excellent food that burns belly fat.


  1. Due to their higher fibre content, oats always land on the list of the top 32 foods that burn belly fat fast. When consumed, oats create a feeling of fullness and keep hunger in check. This leads to less calorie intake and better control of weight gain.
  2. In addition to being a great tummy fat-burning food, oats are a great food item in general. They help regulate glucose levels in the blood, boost the immune system, and lower cholesterol levels.
  3. Oats can also be eaten in a bevy of forms—adding it to smoothies, making an oats pancake, or consuming it in the porridge form as a breakfast item. Remember that it is one of the best breakfast foods that burn belly fat fast.


  1. Milk, especially fat-free or low-fat is another superfood that helps in losing weight. It is full of minerals, such as calcium, sodium, potassium, etc., and vitamins like A, B2 and B12. When cells are replenished with calcium, they burn fat in the body, which leads to weight loss.
  2. It is also one of the best protein sources for those looking to find foods that help reduce belly fat and build muscles.

Bell peppers

  1. Incredibly rich in essential vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, bell peppers are a great choice for anyone looking for tummy fat-burning foods. Besides helping shed those extra pounds around your waist, bell peppers also play a major role in fighting various diseases, such as diabetes, cataracts, cancer, etc.
  2. The compound capsaicin found in bell peppers increases the body’s fat-burning rate. Along with this, bell peppers also control appetite, leading to less intake of calories.
  3. Including bell peppers in your diet in adequate quantities improves the effectiveness of weight loss efforts.


  1. Tea is one of the top 32 foods that burn belly fat fast. You may already be consuming black or green tea and must keep at it to lose that few extra pounds around the midsection.
  2. If you’re thinking about what makes tea such a great beverage to lose weight, the answer is catechins. Catechins promote weight loss, as they boost metabolism and increase fat burning.
  3. In addition to having a range of medicinal benefits, such as relieving menstrual pain and muscle spasms, preventing heart diseases, improving the immune system, etc., tea is also the second most-consumed beverage in the world due to its weight loss properties.

Sea vegetables

  1. Although sea vegetables have yet to become mainstream, they will soon be, as the health loss benefits of sea vegetables are immense. Hence, they must be included in your diet if you are thinking about losing weight about what foods help burn belly fat.
  2. Sea vegetables such as kelp, wakame, arema, nori, etc., contain fibre, potassium, calcium, iron, vitamin B6, and magnesium. Therefore, including sea vegetables in the diet can be immensely beneficial to lose belly fat, as these nutrients play various roles in improving metabolism, burning fat, regulating appetite, etc.
  3. One of the few things that make sea vegetables a great food that burns belly fat and accelerates weight loss is the omega-3 fatty acids. These acids fight inflammation in the body, reducing the chances of fat deposits around the waistline.


  1. Whole grains can be a great option for those looking to find foods that burn belly fat to help them shred a few pounds from their waistline. Unlike its white counterparts, farro comes with all its natural nutrients, such as fibre, protein, sodium, vitamin B3, etc..
  2. Whole grains are high in fibre that controls a person's appetite, which in turn reduces the amount of calorie intake. This means the body needs to break down fat deposits to fuel your bodily functions, leading to weight loss.
  3. Therefore, always make farro an important part of your diet as it is one of the top foods that burn belly fat.

Extra virgin olive oil

  1. Cooking your food with extra virgin olive is another way to lose belly fat. It is rich in good fats, antioxidants, and vitamins E and K, and it helps lower bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol in the body. 
  2. The fatty acids in extra virgin oil, such as stearic acid, palmitic acid, linoleic acid, etc., have excellent satiating power and can lower calorie intake. Consuming virgin oil can also curb hunger pangs.
  3. Extra virgin olive oil has extremely high nutritional value than other refined oils and can be used to season or cook various foods. Along with promoting weight loss, virgin olive oil supports general health and wellness, making it an ideal food that burns belly fat.

Chia seeds

  1. Chia seeds are rich in healthy fats and protein to help the body build muscle mass. They also contain dietary fibre, which can promote the feeling of fullness and regulate appetite.
  2. Chia seeds are gluten-free and have laxative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic properties, making them an ideal food that burns belly fat.
  3. Include chia seeds in salads, smoothies, and breakfast foods to improve your efforts to lose belly fat.


  1. Although not the first food that comes to mind when one is researching foods that burn belly fat, mushrooms are an incredible source of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps improve metabolism and fat burning. The scarcity of vitamin D leads to fat deposits in the abdominal areas. Eating mushrooms can help you fight weight gain and prevent fat deposits in the midsection.
  2. Mushrooms are highly delectable and have high amounts of protein and water while being low in calories. They can be consumed during breakfast, used to make soups, and added to sandwiches and salads to make your otherwise ordinary meals extraordinary.


  1. Highly rich in dietary fibre, raspberries are among the top 32 foods that burn belly fat fast. It also contains polyphenols, such as ellagitannins and anthocyanins, making it even more impressive among foods that burn belly fat.
  2. The dietary fibre in raspberries ensures a comfortable bowel movement every morning. This improves the overall digestive system of the body and keeps it satiated for longer hours. The result is lower calorie intake.
  3. Raspberries also help reduce bloating. They are also high in antioxidants, which can remove free radicals in your body and fight ageing.

Apple cider vinegar

  1. Another one of the top 32 foods that burn belly fat fast is apple cider vinegar.  It contains acetic acid, iron, magnesium, and potassium, in addition to having excellent antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.
  2. Consuming apple cider vinegar keeps the stomach full for a long period of time, which directly reduces the calorie intake, supporting weight loss efforts.
  3. Apple cider vinegar is also effective in improving insulin sensitivity and lowering sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood.


  1. Incredibly rich in dietary fibre, cauliflower is widely used as a food that can help lose belly fat. It is also low in calories, making it one of the ideal foods that burn belly fat fast.
  2. One typical cauliflower crust has 6 grams of fibre and 21 grams of protein, making it good enough to keep you satiated for a long time.
  3. To make it interesting, one can consume cauliflower in the roasted form, blended into rice, as a part of a salad, or stir-fried. 


  1. Bananas are a superfood with diverse health and weight loss benefits. It is rich in potassium, which is imperative in regulating body fluid balance. Potassium in your body improves the amount of sodium in the blood, which causes lower water retention and bloating around your midsection.
  2. You can consume bananas in any way you choose. You can eat it raw, make smoothies, or add it to your breakfast, underlining its role as a food that burns belly fat to help accelerate your weight loss journey.


  1. The answer is shrimp if you are looking for excellent food with zero carbs while providing exceptional amounts of protein and low calories. It is high in choline, selenium, niacin, zinc, and vitamins like B12, E, and B6.
  2. Shrimp is an effective weight-loss food because you can replace high-calorie meat, such as chicken or mutton, with shrimp for a healthier diet. 
  3. You can add fibre-rich vegetables, mushrooms, broccoli, etc., to shrimp and make it a tasty yet nutritious food that burns belly fat. 


  1. Ginger has a plethora of health benefits, including promoting weight loss. The spice is renowned for fighting inflammation and improving a person's digestive system. Ginger is also one of the best foods that burn belly fat and increase metabolism.
  2. Making ginger a part of your diet can help you lose weight and protect you from the imbalances of blood cholesterol and sugar.


  1. Another top food that burns belly fat is chickpeas. It is super rich in protein and fibre and is a highly favoured legume by everyone who wants to shred a few pounds of their weight from the belly area. The legume contains nutrients such as iron, folate, antioxidants, and minerals to sack the bloats.
  2. When planning your diet to lose weight around your belly region, always include chickpeas, as it supports healthy weight loss by ensuring better metabolism, faster fat burning, etc.


  1. Flaxseed is a huge repository of omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, iron, magnesium, calcium, and vitamin B6. It is excellent for digestion and building a stronger digestive system.
  2. Using flaxseed in the diet can help you lose belly fat quickly, as calcium and dietary fibre in flaxseed increase metabolism and fat burning. Apart from its weight loss property, it also reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
  3. You can consume flaxseed in sprouts or salads, and it is one of the top foods that help burn belly fat.


  1. The nutrient profile of the nut alone makes it among the top foods that burn belly fat. Including pistachios in the diet keeps the appetite in check and lowers the calorie intake, which supports weight loss.


  1. For good reasons, lentils round up the list of the top 32 foods that burn belly fat fast. They contain high fibre and protein and can help one lose weight with the help of resistant starch, which can keep a person satiated for long hours.
  2. Besides its health benefits, one can also cook it into various dishes that make meals more exciting and lip-smacking.
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Build a healthy eating plan to lose belly fat faster

Whether you are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy BMI, eating right plays an important role. If you aren't aware of such good eating habits, here are a few easy habits you can incorporate into your routine.

The right amount of protein

  1. The foundation of any healthy diet is proteins, but certain foods contain too much protein and could lead to unwanted side effects, such as troubled digestion, heart issues, etc. When picking a protein source, look for one that is low in carbs and calories.

Fat-burning agents

  1. When it comes to losing weight, a few specific food items are considered exceptionally fat-burning. Before you plan your diet, research the nutritional value of the food and understand its fat-burning properties. If you cannot find such foods, talk to a dietitian, fitness expert, or doctor.

Stay hydrated

  1. It's important to stay hydrated to lose weight and keep your body healthy. Hydration is essential for your body's health and proper function. If you don't drink water at regular intervals, the chances of diabetes, heart disease, and abnormal blood pressure may increase. Depriving your body of water can also lead to infections of the urinary tract, kidney stones, and even kidney failure.


Eating well is crucial for health and well-being. The more you know about the right foods to eat, the easier it will be to maintain a healthy diet. With the information we have mentioned in the blog, you can build an excellent weight loss diet plan and be well on the way to healthy living. These food items contain the right amount of calories, carbohydrates, and fats, so you can easily fit them into the meal plan without breaking a sweat. 

An important point to remember is that losing weight is a collaborative journey. If possible, take the help of certified fitness and healthcare experts to chart the diet plan. Utilise their years of experience and knowledge base in this field. If the aforesaid makes sense and you are up for expert assistance, HexaHealth can provide all the support you need. HexaHealth is an online platform that brings together expert healthcare practitioners, hospitals, fitness experts, dietitians, and other medical service providers for users like you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Foods that help burn belly fat include chia seeds, legumes and beans, oats, green leafy vegetables, eggs, fruits, olive oil, beans, brown rice, almonds, raw cheeses, cabbage, etc.

Always eat foods that help reduce belly fat, such as small, nutrient-dense, single-macronutrient snacks like a small bowl of plain yoghurt with berries or a sugar-free, low-fat protein shake. 

Eating good quality protein, exercising regularly, and consuming fibre, micronutrients, and foods that take more effort to digest have been scientifically proven to help raise metabolism.

Eating too few calories, leading a sedentary lifestyle, not getting enough sleep, drinking sugary beverages, consuming alcohol, lack of water, and excessive caffeine can all ruin a fast metabolism. Therefore, include foods that burn belly fat and increase metabolism to prevent ruining a fast metabolism.

Causes of a super-fast metabolism include an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), anaemia, frequent sweating, being energetic or hyperactive, a faster heart rate, and a higher lean muscle. Eating food can also temporarily increase your metabolism. Therefore, pay attention to your diet and fill it up with foods that burn belly fat and increase metabolism.

Green tea is the best drink to speed up metabolism as it contains catechins, substances that can help rev up the metabolism for a couple of hours. Drinking 2 to 4 cups of green tea can help the body burn 17% more calories during moderately intense exercise for a short period.

Drinking a cup of bulletproof coffee with added cumin and cinnamon in the morning can boost metabolism. Green tea is also a potent drink for weight loss as it contains catechins, which are antioxidants that increase fat metabolism.

Signs of slow metabolism include unexplained weight gain, difficulty losing weight, fatigue, general weakness, dry skin, sugar cravings, bloating, hormone imbalances, blood sugar imbalance, and weight gain.

Vitamins B, D, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and vitamin C can help speed up metabolism. Therefore, eat foods that burn belly fat and increase metabolism to make your weight loss journey easier.

Start by incorporating strength training into your exercise routine and follow it with a high-protein diet. Additionally, aim to get enough sleep, increase your intake of healthy fats, drink unsweetened beverages, and take more fibre.

Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, copper, etc., block fat in the body. Copper is imperative for breaking down fat cells to be used for energy. Calcium prevents the body from storing fat, and magnesium lowers the insulin and glucose levels in the body, which helps aid weight loss.

Consider taking supplements that contain omega-3s, green powders, calcium, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, niacin, vitamin B-6, iron, and magnesium. Note that research results on many supplements are mixed, and it is wise to talk with a doctor before taking any supplement.

To reset your metabolism and lose weight, you should make changes to your diet and exercise routine. Try adding more high-protein foods that burn belly fat to your diet and doing light strength training or cardio a few days a week. Also, avoid alcohol and use caffeine in moderation. Additionally, aim for 8 hours of quality sleep each night and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

It can take anywhere from 10-12 weeks to several months to reset your metabolism. It requires a shift in thinking, a balanced diet with foods that burn belly fat and increase metabolism, and consistent, diligent effort.

You cannot burn fat overnight, but there are some strategies you can use to help promote healthy and sustainable weight loss. These strategies include drinking plenty of water, avoiding eating before bed, eating more fibre, avoiding processed foods, and doing physical activities. Additionally, you should perform strength training exercises, eat foods that burn belly fat and follow a fitness routine.

Last Updated on: 9 July 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


Nikita Tyagi

Nikita Tyagi

BPharm (Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University, Hyderabad)

2 Years Experience

An enthusiastic writer with an eye for details and medical correctness. An avid reviewer and publisher. She emphasises authentic information and creates value for the readers. Earlier, she was involved in making ...View More

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