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Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Glaucoma

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Hexahealth Care Team, last updated on 23 October 2023| min read
Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Glaucoma

Quick Summary

  • Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that causes damage to the optic nerve
  • The damage usually results from high intraocular pressure in the eye
  • If not treated, glaucoma can worsen over time and lead to blindness
  • Ayurvedic treatment for glaucoma helps restore the normal functioning of the eye

Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that causes damage to the optic nerve. The damage usually results from high intraocular pressure in the eye. If not treated, glaucoma can worsen over time and lead to blindness. It is one of the prime causes of blindness all over the world. While there are several surgical and non-surgical methods to treat glaucoma, Ayurveda is one of the most effective methods to treat the problem naturally. Ayurvedic treatment for glaucoma helps restore the normal functioning of the eye. 

Are you suffering from glaucoma and looking for a natural, effective treatment method? Continue reading the following blog to learn everything about glaucoma ayurvedic treatment in India. But first, let’s understand the symptoms and early warning signs of glaucoma that you must keep an eye out for to start the ayurvedic treatment without delay.

Symptoms of Glaucoma

Glaucoma usually does not show any early symptoms. However, some of the common symptoms that you may experience include the following:

  1. Red eyes
  2. Eye pain
  3. Vision loss
  4. Seeing halos around lights
  5. Narrowed vision
  6. Lazy eyes
  7. Severe headaches
  8. Nausea
  9. Vomiting
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Glaucoma in India

Ayurveda is an alternative medicine system based on ancient writings that rely on the natural approach to mental and physical health. The ayurvedic system is based on the idea that a disease is caused due to an imbalance in your doshas (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha). According to Ayurveda, glaucoma is caused by a disturbance in the Kapha dosha. 

Ayurveda is known for treating almost all ailments most effectively and naturally. The ayurvedic treatment for glaucoma helps relieve pain, reduce redness, drain fluid, and improve vision. It uses several herbal medications and Panchkarma therapies to reduce eye pressure and restore the normal functioning of the eye. 

The Goal of Ayurvedic Treatment for Glaucoma

One cannot reverse glaucoma once it causes blindness. However, in earlier stages, the treatment is used to manage and prevent damage. In most cases, 

  1. The primary goal of ayurvedic treatment for glaucoma is to curb the disorder’s progression.
  2. The secondary goal is to preserve the existing vision. 
  3. In advanced stages, ayurvedic treatment aims to avoid or delay the onset of blindness.

The extent of the results of the ayurvedic treatment will depend on the stage of glaucoma.  

Ayurvedic Herbs and Decoction for Glaucoma

An important part of ayurvedic treatment is the cleansing of toxins. Some natural herbs that can help in the detoxification and treat glaucoma include:

1. Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa)
Punarnava is one of the most used herbs for treating glaucoma. The diuretic properties of Punarnava help control glaucoma by draining excess fluid from your eyes. Additionally, it reduces intraocular pressure and prevents optic nerve damage. The herb can be used as follows:

  1. Juice from the leaves of Punarnava.
  2. Topical application of Punarnava juice mixed with honey.
  3. Punarnava powder mixed with milk or water.
  4. Punarnava eyedrops can be used twice daily.

2. Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica)
Commonly known as Indian gooseberry, Amla is a useful herb for managing and treating glaucoma. It contains Vitamin C and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help protect the ocular tissue, optic nerve, and retina. It is available in powders and capsules. You can also take Amla juice with honey daily to reduce eye tension. 

3. Triphala
Triphala (three fruits) combines three nutritious and nourishing fruits - Amla, Haritaki, and Bibitaki. This ayurvedic medicine for glaucoma reduces intraocular pressure and prevents vision loss. Furthermore, the herb’s anti-inflammatory properties protect the optic nerve from damage. Triphala can be administered as eye drops or ingested as a tonic or mixture. However, it is most commonly used as an eyewash. Here’s how you can use the herb as eyewash:

  1. Mix a teaspoon of Triphala powder in hot water. 
  2. Allow the mixture to cool. 
  3. Strain the mixture to get rid of coarse particles from the powder. 
  4. Fill eyecups with Triphala water. 
  5. Dip your eyes in the eyecups and blink a few times. 
  6. Clean the areas around your eyes but do not rinse the eyes. `

4. Gokshura
The root and fruit of this small flowering plant (angiosperm) can be used to reduce inflammation and swelling. The herb is available in the form of powders and capsules. 

5. Castor Oil 
Castor oil can be an effective remedy to slow the progression of glaucoma and damage to the eyes that occur over time. You can apply a drop of castor oil on the eyes and some on the soles of the feet multiple times a day. 

Ayurvedic Therapies and Procedures for Glaucoma

Detecting glaucoma in its early stages can help cure this eye condition. Several ayurvedic treatments for glaucoma in India help restore the eyes’ normal functioning and improve overall eye health. The panchakarma therapies of Ayurveda to treat glaucoma include:

1. Netra Basti or Netra Tarpana
Netra Tarpana is made up of two Sanskrit words, “Netra”, meaning eyes and “Tarpana”, meaning rehydration. It is a special ayurvedic treatment to soothe, nourish, and heal the eyes. It helps strengthen your optic nerve, eliminate pain, and relax.

  1. In this ayurvedic treatment for glaucoma, a circular structure is constructed around the eyes with the help of dough. 
  2. Medicated ghee is then poured over the eyes enclosed in the dough rings. 
  3. The medicated ghee is left in place for about 20 minutes. 

2. Nasya 
Since glaucoma is caused due to the disturbance of Kapha dosha, this therapy aims to release Kapha toxins through nasal secretion. The therapy helps in detoxification and nourishing the brain cells. In addition to curing eye diseases, it is also helpful for problems with taste, smell, voice, etc. Depending on your condition, the procedure may last up to a month. To perform Nasya, the ayurvedic therapist will follow these steps:

  1. You will be made to lie down on your back, and the head will be made to tilt backwards so that the nostrils are in an upward position. 
  2. Then, 3-5 drops of medicated oil will be put in each of your nostrils. 
  3. You will then be asked to take a big sniff in and will be made to rest for a few minutes to allow the Nasya to penetrate inside the nose. 
  4. While there are several types of Nasya, Pratimarsha Nasyam is the most commonly performed ayurvedic treatment for glaucoma in India that you can do daily. 

3. Vaman
It is another therapy that cures aggravated Kapha dosha. Vaman is done to dislodge toxins from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. The procedure involves therapeutic vomiting by giving a drink made of vomiting-inducing drugs. This will help expel toxins from your body and restore the Kapha dosha. 

4. Raktamokshana (Bloodletting)
The imbalance in Kapha dosha is considered the primary cause of glaucoma. However, according to Ayurveda, it is important to maintain the balance between all three doshas for general health. 

Raktamokshana is a blood purification therapy in which small quantities of impure blood are removed to neutralise accumulated toxins. The procedure is used when excess toxicity of blood and pitta has occurred, making it difficult to be cured by medical herbs or other procedures. 

5. Virechana
It is a purification therapy that eliminates impurities from the gall bladder, kidney, intestine, and sweat glands. Toxins accumulated in these organs can pressure the eye muscles and nerves. In this procedure, ayurvedic medication is given to induce bowel movement and eliminate excessive pita dosha from the body.

6. Snehapana Treatment
Snehan is the administration of medicated fats for a specific period. In this procedure, medicated ghee infused with some herbs is consumed orally for three to seven days, depending on your body’s nature. The ayurvedic therapist performs the Snehapana treatment as follows:

  1. You will be asked to consume ghee at a specific time. 
  2. You will be then asked to take small sips of warm water every 45 minutes. 
  3. You will be asked to burp to check the presence of ghee. 
  4. Once you feel the ghee is completely digested, you will further need to drink some warm water. 
  5. You should eat food only when you feel hungry.

7. Kashayam Dhara
Kashayam Dhara is made up of two words, “Kashayam”, meaning decoction and “Dhara”, meaning continuous flow. This ayurvedic treatment for glaucoma involves pouring a cool herbal portion on the forehead and certain parts of your head and face for a powerful healing effect on the eyes. 

8. Netradhara
It is made up of two words, “Netra”, meaning eyes and “Dhara”, meaning continuous flow. The procedure includes washing the eyes using herbal decoction. The therapy benefits a wide range of eye disorders, including glaucoma. It soothes and relaxes strained eyes and improves eyesight. The therapist continuously pours herbal decoction with preventive and curative properties over the entire eye.

9. Pindi and Bidalaka
Pindi is a therapy to cure Kapha dosha imbalance, in which medicated paste is tied in a thin cloth and placed over the eye. The drugs used in this medicated paste include Sheegru Patra, Eranda Patra, Dadima Twak, and Nimba Twak

On the other hand, Bidalaka is the procedure in which medicated paste is applied to the closed eyelids. It helps strengthens the eye muscles and nerves. Moreover, it nourishes dry, tired, and injured eyes.

10. Anjana
In this procedure, ayurvedic medicine for glaucoma is applied to the inner surface of your eyelid margin from the medial canthus to the lateral canthus (the corners of the eye) with an Anjana Shalaka (rod-like applicator). It helps nourish dry, tired, and injured eyes and strengthens eye muscles and nerves.

11. Aschyotana
In this procedure, medicated eyedrops are poured into the eye from a height of two inches. The treatment not only strengthens the muscles and nerves of the eyes but also provides freshness to the eyes. Unlike modern eye drops, the drug used in Aschyotana is an aqueous solution that has access to conjunctival blood vessels. The drug is effective in lowering intraocular pressure in the eyes. 

12. Light Gazing
This ayurvedic practice can simultaneously improve eye health and treat eye problems. Light gazing is done by looking at a candle or earthen lamp. This therapy is useful in calming your mind, boosting focus, and improving your eyesight. The technique can be beneficial if you are suffering from glaucoma. 

Apart from external ayurvedic treatment, it is important to make the eyes healthy from the inside. Therefore, other medicines, such as the Patanjali medicine for glaucoma, are administered simultaneously.

Ayurvedic Diet for Glaucoma

You cannot reverse vision loss or blindness caused by glaucoma. However, you can prevent the progression by combining natural remedies, exercising, lifestyle habits, and diet. Proper nutrition of the eyes is vital to prevent and cure glaucoma. Therefore, the Ayurveda tradition suggests including a proper diet in the ayurvedic treatment for glaucoma. Moreover, following the right diet for glaucoma helps balance the three doshas. 

The food for balancing Kapha dosha should be dry, spicy, cooked with little water, and consumed warm. Food for glaucoma should not be greasy, sweet, sour, or salty, as it can increase Kapha. 

You should add the following vitamins and minerals to your diet for glaucoma:

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin B
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Vitamin E
  5. Copper
  6. Selenium
  7. Zinc

The diet strictly varies among individuals and should be prescribed by an Ayurveda specialist. The following table shows the common food items that you must eat and avoid to balance Kapha dosha:

Types of Food Foods to Eat Foods to Avoid
Seeds and Grains

Barley, Rye, Millet, Buckwheat, Corn

Rice, Oats, Wheat, Soy, Beans


Cabbage, Radish, Carrot, Spinach, Eggplant, Turnip, Pepper, Red beets, Garlic, Onion, Peas, Asparagus, Broccoli, Parsley


Cucumbers, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Olives, Okra, Zucchini




Apples, Pears, Peaches, Blueberries, Strawberries, Guava, Lemon, Mango, Apricots, Dried fruits, Citrus fruits

Melons, Watermelons, Pineapples, Grapes, Kiwi, Oranges, Avocado, Figs


Chicken, Turkey, Pork, Fish

Red meats, Beef, Lard


Other Lifestyle Changes

Some other lifestyle changes advised by Ayurveda for glaucoma prevention and cure include:

  1. Ensure regular water consumption to maintain eye pressure.
  2. Wash your eyes regularly with cool water early in the morning. 
  3. Manage other medical conditions, like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. 
  4. While sleeping, keep your head higher using a pillow at night so that the head is slightly raised.
  5. Engage in yoga and meditation to improve psychological health, blood circulation, and general health. 
  6. Take regular breaks while working on a computer, watching TV, driving, reading, etc. 
  7. To maintain Kapha balance, avoid sleeping during the day, especially after eating.
  8. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. 
  9. Reduce or quit smoking to lower glaucoma risk.


Glaucoma ayurvedic treatment in India is an effective way to prevent and cure the disease. Several ayurvedic herbs and therapies help balance Kapha dosha and reduce intraocular pressure in the eyes. Diet, lifestyle changes, exercises, and ayurvedic treatment can help achieve better results. However, it is advisable to consult an Ayurvedic specialist before trying these herbs or therapies. 

You can also get in touch with an HexaHealth expert to learn more about the benefits of ayurvedic treatment for glaucoma. Furthermore, our team will help you connect with glaucoma experts if ayurvedic or other treatments do not work for you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Ayurvedic medicines for glaucoma are made of ayurvedic herbs beneficial for curing the disease. Some of the medicines advised for glaucoma include:

  1. Triphala Churna
  2. Triphala Ghrita
  3. Shatavari powder
  4. Pravartini Vati
  5. Shigru

Damage caused by glaucoma cannot be reversed. However, certain natural remedies can prevent or cure glaucoma, such as:

  1. Ayurvedic treatment for glaucoma
  2. Regular exercise
  3. A balanced and healthy diet
  4. Relaxation techniques
  5. Vitamin and herbal supplements
Yes, Patanjali Drishti eye drops can cure glaucoma. This Patanjali medicine for glaucoma acts as an antiseptic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory agent of the eyes that help relieve double vision and night blindness. These eye drops also help in improving eyesight. You can use Drishti eye drops two times daily.
Yes, Triphala is an extremely effective method to prevent and cure glaucoma. It is a combination of three fruits - Amla, Haritaki and Bibitaki, that helps reduce intraocular pressure and prevent vision loss. Triphala is mostly used as an eye wash.
Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve, and curcumin, extracted from turmeric, has been shown to prevent nerve damage. Therefore, it is suggested that the turmeric derivative, curcumin, can treat the early stages of glaucoma.
Yes, Amla is a useful herb that manages and treats glaucoma. It has antioxidant properties and contains Vitamin C, which helps protect the optic nerve, ocular tissue, and retina.

Several treatment options can help destroy glaucoma in its early stages, such as:

  1. Ayurvedic treatment
  2. Eyedrops and medicines
  3. Surgery
  4. Laser treatment

While no food can reverse glaucoma, certain food items can curb the progression of the disease, such as:

  1. Meats like chicken, fish, turkey
  2. Grains like barley, corn, rye
  3. Leafy greens like cabbage, spinach, broccoli
  4. Fruits like strawberries, apples, mangoes
Yes, acupressure can help with glaucoma by increasing the blood flow to the area and relaxing the damaged muscles. 

Last Updated on: 23 October 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


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